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    Woodland Warrior

    Dying of hunger wayyyyy too often

    And i'm just like WTF?

    Dying of hunger wayyyyy too often

    Zombies aren't hard (unless you just spawned in and REALLY can't find a melee weapon lol), KOS is normal (not that I agree with it) and to die of starvation/hypothermia should also be a threat but to die that quickly of either with max health is preposterous! I know for a fact that you could live much longer irl. Now, I'm not saying that you should be able to run around for several days without food, or take forever to succumb to hypothermia (you can still move after 30 minutes if you were submerged in icy water), what i'm saying is, please just give me some more time! Maybe allow me to wrap myself up in blankets, which are in each and every house, and you can't even use them. Maby give me five hours to find food after entering the "very hungry" state. Oh, and why should I have to eat 3 cans of food to get me from hungry to NOTHING after spawning? Irl you could eat two and be completely full! You know what I mean? Balance is important, but they didn't find it. Yet...

    Dying of hunger wayyyyy too often

    Yeah I have to say when you are hypothermic and dying of starvation all thoughts of is this player friendly or enemy goes out the window. You immediately just run up to them and beg for help, even if they have a gun on their back.

    Dying of hunger wayyyyy too often

    I ate 3 cans of food after spawning (which took some time to find)

    Dying of hunger wayyyyy too often

    Thing is I was at spawned at Berenzino which is like the most visited town in Chernarus in South Africa which means that the food is ALWAYS looted. Thing is, I would like to be able to run around for at LEAST five hours from no warning to starvation. I understand that balance is important but if i'm going to die like THAT it's a little ridiculous.

    Dying of hunger wayyyyy too often

    No energized bar, just plain which I think could've lasted longer. As far as I know you can survive for several days without food.

    Dying of hunger wayyyyy too often

    Berenzino to the shipwreck, met a friendly who had been stalking me, who was shot at the ship. Searched the ship for about 30 minutes praying that the murderer wouldn't find me. Eventually ran back to Berenzino because my hunger was red. When I got there I met a dude who helped me find those peaches, which would've saved my life if I had them 30 seconds earlier. Does the fact that I had hypothermia mean anything? I got it on the way back to Berenzino.

    You had to say hello with a bullet

    I usually just run around a corner and hide in a bush if I think someone might shoot me (which is anyone with a gun).
  9. I ate 3 cans of food, within one hour I starved to death.. RAGERAGERAGERAGE!!! Just as I opened the can of peaches my new friend had handed me, I fall to the ground - you are unconscious (the guy who I had just met is like "wtf is going on why'd you die"). I'm screaming for him to feed me those damn peaches, just to find out that VOIP doesn't work whilst unconcious (which I do not mind) - you are dead. Ok so who else thinks that I should've lived a little longer, remember, I ate 3 cans of food less than one our before I "starved to death". This game is a game that tries to bring realism to gaming by working on real time, allowing for the weather to actually affect you and making death swift and brutal. Now why, if realism is soooo important can't they also make the time it takes to starve realistic too.

    Why is this a thing?

    Agreed, I found four pistols in a row, but not one damn mag...

    Fresh Hero

    I'm tired of not killing on sight. Because each time I don't I just get shot (it's usually that I run right into someone and then run away shouting FRIENDLY DONT SHOOT. And then theyre like oh! you got some food and then im like hell yeah and then whilst I take out my food theyre just like HES GOING FOR HIS GUN!!! and im dead and i just like cmon man I was gonna give you some bacon and hes like sorry bro I didnt have a choice... Then i spawn in with vengeance on my mind only to find that about every single police station on the way to my death area was already looted. And then i just depressed and commit suicide... But lets try again tommorow!

    Dayz helicopter crash sites not spawning in stable?

    I never survive any conflicts

    What is the best pistol in DayZ SA?

    So atm the FNX is the best weapon. I always thought that the Magnum had more power (because it fires a bigger round) but that will be fixed in due time. But then (hopefully) there will be many more side arms to choose from.

    What is the best pistol in DayZ SA?

    Ok so i checked a few websites and they all show that all pistols damage stats are exactly the same? Look I know that they are planning to fix all the weapon damage and stuff later on but wouldn't it be faster to do it right the first time round and not having to redo all the gun stats afterwards?

    What is the best pistol in DayZ SA?

    So the Magnum does not offer more damage than the FNX?