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11 Neutral

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About Blite

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. The rating has been done before the time of us losing our players due to certain others "buying" them away and spamming us...(roose) ^^ Currently we are working to come back, but it all takes time...We casually play now so for now I suppose the rating is not up to date, if you wish me to change the title I am more than willing. If you want any further proof or information of the rating or other information regarding our businesses of the community outside of Overpoch including who did it please contact our support team on our website. Thankyou. Best regards, Blite
  2. Sorry guys for the delay on all these things, I have just had so much to do with the other server... Im only one person :( Anyways I will get these things done ASAP :thumbsup: :beans: :D
  3. Love your post! Well done, I will look into the fog thing, maybe have a change between Day with ground fog and night with normal fog or the other way around, I just liked the whole idea of actually having to know the map much better in order to locate yourself... Which for me sometimes was actually a funny experience losing myself haha Anyways, I will definately try to adjust the things I can also agree on myself and I will see what's wrong with the server! Best regards, Blite [EDIT] The reason why the server is down: (A link to the topic that describes the issue) http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/88558-cant-join-servers-rpt-file-included/ Seems like the host fucked up somewhere... Come join our Ts3 for quicker answers and reporting of issues :) ts3.kivikausi.us I will report asap when it's back!