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Everything posted by teppo

  1. teppo

    When are the servers back on?

    Nobody asked for your opinion
  2. teppo

    Limited copies of DayZ Alpha

    lol 150000 times 23.99 = Lambos in the bank, well done!
  3. When thought about this before, I always think of a scenario where powers that be have decided that world is ruined unless theres a major reduction of population. After testing various viruses like SARS, birdflu they find what theyve been looking for, Virus Z.. Hints of this could be some old newspapers that could be found that tell of the outbreaks first phases and analyses that never reach final conclusions, just speculations.
  4. teppo

    GB 69

    Got since yesterday this: You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye : Admin Ban (Playstarworlds.com - Hacking. (Nice try hiding it))) Player name: Jorma-Adler Créutz I had just found nice stack of DMR mags, little before that I found some weapon that vanished, FAL something. Server went down I think right after my ban. I dont hack/use scripts.
  5. teppo

    GB 69

    I would, but its the best server atm, I enjoy it too much.
  6. teppo

    Standalone Zombie Jumping

    Wouldnt mind jump attack as an once-twice out of hundred attacks anomaly, if its main/only attack pose then thats silly.
  7. Quite liked everything that changed. About cans, I dont think they need to stick to inventory automatically but rather be found on the ground to be picked if needed. Would be great if they were for first hour or so in the pristine look, and after that they looked old, rusty. And that there would be used cans only when someone dropped them, not have them spawn at all. Zombies, not sure if random occurence, but when I run away from them and went into a house waiting to have easier time dealing with them, they ran past the building, which I dont remember happened to me before. When I saw one walking back past the house, thought it would be great if instead of giving up they picked a random house nearby and went looking inside the windows and youd need to be hidden for them to go away. Nice, I can see the number of kills again. Ive suggested this before, but it would be nice if you needed to go to the body youve killed, and pick an identifying tag from them to have a confirmed kill. Those tags would stick to you, and so once you get killed, people inspecting your body would be able to see whom youve killed. Unless you get to your body first and hide it. For that and other reasons would like if, once you die you couldnt go back to that server for some time, maybe 30 mins.
  8. Maybe not answering the question of this thread, but I really miss seeing some numbers while playing. The thrill of kill is still there sometimes, but the satisfaction of seeing the numbers go up isnt there any more. Really cant see other reason to abolishing all stats than the will of few to absolutely force their way of play to all, instead of making it an option to not see any stats if it bothers to see them. Its a game, in game you have a score. I hope in standalone there can at least be those deathmatch servers where it is possible to see the important numbers.
  9. If you look at it as an evolutionary process, where the zombie outbreak was when the mod was released.. First people were interacting, co-operating, as they would in real situation(I´d imagine). Then time passes, there seems to be no way out of the Z apocalypse, people get impatient as theres no realistic goal, people take note of some survivors killing for sport.. paranoia, then out of hopelesness there seems to be nothing left than kill or be killed. So, in large scale I think it is like it might be in similar conditions.
  10. teppo

    Female Zombies

    Nobody is suggesting we could have sex with the Zeds once theyre dead, stop worrying about that..
  11. teppo

    Jump in sales?

    ffs, everyone knows what cost what. If you didnt have Arma you had to buy it to play DayZ. DayZ is free for those with Arma. Everyone knows this.. And my understanding is that theres been significant increase of sales of Arma since DayZ came about.
  12. teppo

    I like to see

    Ok then, lets have.. CAREBEAR servers that dont have stats and then normal servers where you can see how u doing. Everybody happy..
  13. teppo

    Debug Monitor Gone?

    Whats the point of playing if theres no score? I mean have it optional but there needs to be option for it. Those who are happy without can keep happy without it. Or is the happiness from the misery of those who want it?
  14. -Loot: instead of appearing from thin air lets have it realistic. Aid organisations and such dropping stuff from planes, would be so much better imo. -Cant start new life for 30 mins after death. Would make killing someone(/dying) mean more. Better yet, make it 12 hours after death that you can log into server you´ve died in, so you cant go loot your body. Nor could you go get revenge as you shouldnt, as youre dead. -Sleep. When you log out with over 12 hours of accumulated active playtime since last sleep, character drops to sleep upon logout for 1 hour (and is available for looting/abuse) after wich it disappears until next login. If you log in before end of sleep, the sleep will start on next log out again. Some icon would of course tell you when you will fall asleep on next logout, so you need to be careful where and when you logout at such time. If it starts to rain during your sleep and youre outdoors youll catch cold so better sleep indoors. I think there might be room for option to go asleep while logged in without seeing, only hearing, and if you hear something alarming it takes 10 sec from clicking wake up to actually be awake, and then you need to start the 1 hour sleep from beginning again to have 12 hours of active playtime without logout sleep. -Kill confirmation: Everyone should have an itemn that cant be removed until character is dead. To get a confirmed kill that is calculated into kill score you should have to go to the body and pick it. (To get negative humanity this wouldnt be needed.) If someone else removes this item it doesnt count, but the killer cant have it either. To expand on this, those picked up "kill identifier items" should stick to you until death so when you die, any person who examines your dead body can read through all your confirmed kills.
  15. Just that it has nothing to do with realism having certain skin based on how you play. Rather add a mechanism to search people and then have your revenge. The dogs might be for this.. If you get killed and within one hour(or until it rains) of this you have yourself a dog(or you hire someone with a dog) and you can point it where to take scent it will follow the trail up to the player, or to the point where he disconnected.. While it would be funny killing peeps wearing clown costume, I think it should be at most an option to wear it after you meet the criteria, not something that is forced.
  16. teppo

    To anyone thinking of hacking

    You fit my criteria for a carebear.
  17. teppo

    To anyone thinking of hacking

    Ok that doesnt confirm other than that hackers do such stuff, but you can read in the forums now and then hackers justifying their actions telling they do it with good cause= carebear. And hes not legit bandit if he doesnt die when shot at, clearly not shooting me at first opportunity but waiting for me to go first.
  18. teppo

    To anyone thinking of hacking

    If you dont snipe or kill fresh spawns, you wont meet them, but as I do, I can confirm they exist. They just appear behind the tree that I have behind me when doing my stuff and wait there for me to act and when I shoot them nothing happens=they have god mode, then they kill me. Ive decided in the future when I see someone is being too fearless, Ill just log out to save me 1 hour of work to get fully geared again.
  19. Potential for this guy becoming a script.. CHICKEN is high IMO. lol
  20. Few different scores, for zombie kills, player kills, time alive, distance run, such and top lists, like there probably will be.
  21. I think something approaching good solution would be, if you got friendly cloth after 30 mins of play without murder, and you could wear it or not as you please. You´d lose it after your first murder. Bandit cloth(/skin), you got once you had your first murder, and then its your decision to wear it or not.
  22. teppo

    DayZ Stories

    Played this over a month now, quite a few hours every day.. Got my first Ghillie suit that doesnt kill me as soon as I wear it.. got cz and start my sniping procedure, first kill has.. A NVG!! my first.. as well as my first GPS and some three letter high end sniping gun(my first other than cz).. Im over the moon.. soon I start having problems that seem server related so log off and go to another. Wait a while and nothing seems to be happening in Pusta and I start proning around(Im not taking any chances with all this gear that Im burning to try). Before I reach next building theres all of a sudden someone else in a ghillie suit right behind me, standing, probably logged in, well I dont ask questions when I have a gun in my hand and start shooting.. well theres blood coming out of the guy when runs away but doesnt die, I start running into opposite direction and start getting shots, go behind next corner, bandage.. only option is to run to bushes which I do and pretty quickly Im dead........ fffffffsssssssss NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Well after a minute of dwelling in rage I decide to try my luck and spawn and go search my dead body.. I do find my dead body, and.. E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g is still there, and I get it all, except for the Ghillie suit that just is there to be seen but not in inventory.. I quickly log off to not meet those people again and change server.. when I get there, Im at the same place but have n-o-t-h-i-n-g. I- HAVE N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Go back to previous server, body still there, but none of the gear is to be found. mmmphfffssssshhhgrrrrrr
  23. Might be technical reasons why this is not what we have already, but this is how Id like it: Have a fixed number of zeds, each one with their individual "home"(= a place where they return when theres no action). When you kill one, it just dies for some time, but doesnt disappear in any situation. When you have a corpse of a Z, you can shoot/axe/burn it to guarantee some time before it revives. Burning I´d like to guarantee 1 hour, axing/shooting maybe 15 mins. Dead zeds you should also be able to move around, one a time by yourself or more in a vehicle, locking them up somewhere, or trolling some place you want to be infested with them. With this system, finding dead zeds youd know someones been there lately, which would be more realistic way I think than current where you observe from distance and if no Z means no players. This way you could also encounter zeds anywhere, either because someone brought them there, or becouse theyre on their way home. When they start returning home should be once they havent had any action in a while, meaning contact with a survivor or another Z. They move around all the time with some pattern, but there should be enough randomness so they after a while end up separated from other zeds and start their journey home, during which they dont stop for any other reason than meeting a survivor or dying for any reason(from which they revive after a while and continue). If theres a spot that they cant get through without dying over and over, thats no problem I think, as a survivor will eventually arrive and make it change its action.
  24. Hm. Dont see why you shouldnt punish someone for bad connection, thats just realistic. But, maybe a semi-solution would be for connection issues, when this happens to have the character stay there blinking, with no possibility to have any harm happen to it, say for 3 mins(or what time it would usually take in such situation to get back), after which it becomes available to be killed and looted if player hasnt gotten his system running again. Maybe, to avoid making matters worse for someone with connection issue, it could throw this blinker only when player has either shot his gun during last 30secs, has a zombie aggroed, or is bleeding(having the Z stay there but not damaging more, and if bleeding, bleeding would continue again after player gets back or when 3 mins has passed). If nothing such is going on, just keep the character there for the normal time and if character receives any damage during this time, start the 3 min clock there without damage to character so giving player every realistic chance to not die becouse of honest disconnect.
  25. Ive played with this "idea" some now so there is some thought put into it, but of course is not final and perfect. I hope someone reads it and has some comment. I´d like survivors divided into 3 groups, be it racial, national or tribal or.., I talk of them in colors, black, white and yellow, and visual difference would be their skin colour. You can kill those in other groups freely as now, killing those in your own group is more complicated. Each group spawns in different areas, for example blacks west of Cherno, whites east of Elektro and yellows around Berezino. I`d open global chat amongst players in their own group, those in other groups can see this chat when within hearing range, and is in different colour than theirs. Also I´d add a new way of killing: Poisoning of water sources. You could kill anyone by this or by axe "normally". When poisoning well or pond, effect would last some limited time, but if you fill water bottle from that, effect remains forever untill someone drinks it. When shooting someone in your own group, Im not 100% satisfied I have best formula, but best I can think of, is having shooter get 75% of damage, and target 25%. So you could kill someone in your group through shooting them, but you would have to be careful in choosing your weapon, having means to gain your blood level back, and having target that is low enough in blood. To make this interesting, Id add a way to change your skin colour appearance, that would last limited time in its best condition, deteriorating gradually depending if it rains, or if running a lot in sun, sweating would accelerate deteriorating too. You should allways be able to tell true colour when close enough and watching carefully, but just clansing you probably missed it. Means to change colour shouldnt be too easy to achieve of course. With this, you couldnt shoot just anyone carelessly without risking serious damage to yourself, which I think would be an improvement without "carebearing" this game at all. I think would be best to leave to players which group they want to spawn into, no good reason I think to force equal numbers of this.