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About Coronus

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    On the Coast

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  1. Coronus

    when are pistol silencers going to work

    So, at this point, from a gameplay issue (not a what comes out of my speakers issue) are silencers working at all or should I just toss mine till they start working?
  2. Coronus

    Questions about the SKS

    Thanks for all the responses guys and gals. I realize my error now. It was loading 10 fully but the ammo Icon under the rifle was essentially showing only 1 bullet and that threw me off.
  3. Coronus

    Questions about the SKS

    Ok, so I actually tried to do a good bit of research before posting here and could not come up with anything. Question #1 Doesnt the SKS come with an internal clip? 2. If so why is it I can only load 1 bullet (in chamber) instead of the prescribed 10 in to the internal clip. 3. Am I doing something wrong? I tried to load the rounds manually and it kept saying the SKS was full. 4. Does this mean that there are already 10 rounds inserted? 5. If so, when I look in my inventory, it appears as if only 1 round is "attached" to the SKS. This is really frustrating me as the place where I found the SKS did not have a single strip clip in it. Is this strip clip required (which doesnt make any sense) to load the weapons internal clip? Thanks for the help.