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About offset

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    On the Coast
  1. Might as well call it BanditZ for now. There's no incentive to being friendly and sociable with strangers and there's no disincentive to not either. Until zombies and general survival begin to pose a real combined threat it will remain, spawn - loot - bandit - die. This is a just a game anyway so people will shoot their guns without consequence most of the time. Food and weapons don't respawn and you can't server hop in real life.
  2. I would prefer same speed and also massive hordes. Make it so playing the game really requires teamwork and base building instead of just, spawn - loot - bandit. Most new spawns wouldn't make it without a little luck finding some proper gear or other players to help keep the zombies at bay. Finding food and supplies should be a real risk , going out alone should require absolute stealth to survive but working together would reduce risk. Like when food get tuned and you can't survive off just sodas and canned foods, you'll get to a point where you need real nutrition, supplies for cooking and harvested foods and meats properly cooked. I envision any high value area having high zombie counts. If your group does good and makes a secure camp and get a vehicle running, you can move about faster and collect better supplies and hunt more effectively at the cost of attracting more zombies. I wouldn't even mind seeing an end to bandits altogether. People tend to think in the zombie apocalypse it's everyoen for themselves, but that's just not true. If we want this game to be closer to true to life then people will naturally work together because humans have always worked together for a common cause, whether it be fighting against a common enemy or just maintaining a village where everyone can survive and thrive.
  3. offset

    How safe are the new cities?

    I got an instant "you are dead" in Novo, while inside a building.
  4. offset

    Here's Johnny

    So I'm just spawning and running my rounds on one of the Dolina Trading Post servers. Find a pitch fork, chop up some zombays real slow like. Find some more approopriate attire and finally my trusty wood splitting axe. I also found an SKS but as usuall there is no ammo around. I'm still green to the SA and havn't played the mod in a long time, so I don't know my way around. But I'm near a town with a church that I found out you can't enter, and lot's of people making noise. While searching building to building I'm hearing explosions in the distance. My first thought: hacker. So because I am intrigued(stupid), I head towards the source of the explosions. On my way I meet another player who is friendly and tells me that the explosions can be done by shooting gas tanks enough times or using exposives. Yea that sounds ok but these explosions kept coming and coming. So I kept searching and searching. I arrived at a point in the town where things were pretty freaking hot. I watched from the 3rd floor of a building as shots were exchanged and an occasional runner zipped by. Some dressed in full military garb. Yea I thought I was dead for sure. But did that stop me? I saw a church and remembered back to the days of the mod that a church was highly contested. So wht better place to meet people than a church right? No the front doors wouldn't open. Lucky for me because I probably would have been shot full of holes. So I sprinted off to one of the buildings nearby and started taking fire. Luckily hackers can't aim, right? I'm chilling in my new home trying to keep my cool, peaking out windows and listening for enemies, eh I mean friends. Then I see it. BOOM! The gas station just exploded. And did so several more times during my stay. I thought to myself that whoever is doing this has something that can make something else go boom instantly as there were no gunshots before the explosions. I'm sitting there debating on what to do, stuck in the middle of wtfville with an axe and an SKS with no ammo. The I hear that refreshing sound. Pssthhhhh. Someone just popped a Pipsi. Then I hear more rummaging. The I begin to hear eatting. The bastard is right next door to me in an identical building. Knowing that my situaion is grim already, I put my war face on and proceeded to exit the building. And right into the next building. Not wasting a second I systematically check each door. Proceed up to the second floor. Left door: no go. Right door: jackpot. Without hesitating I raise my axe. The poor bastard is sitting down but tries to quickly adjust, only to move to prone. I'm already on top of him. THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! He's dead. Check his pulse: unkown. Check his loot: a t-shirt, pants, flashlight, battery and a AKM with every attachment including a grenade launcher with over 50 some grenade rounds in a drum mag. My first instinct is to pick it up. No message recieved for 10 seconds. You've got to be kidding me. When I get the chance to get back in, everything is rolled back and I'm still in the last building. Just like nothing ever happened.
  5. In the future zombies should have a good chance of returning rudimentary items like shirts to make into torn cloth, matches etc. Since there will be more zombies spawning more player will be forced into melee fights. And another idea, can you make torches with a stick, cloth and fuel? If you can, can it be used as a weapon?
  6. offset

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hello I am new to SA. I want to play friendly and hope the people I meet don't KOS. Cheers!