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Everything posted by Davoh

  1. DayZ Overpoch Server "Prestige Worldwide" 40 Players - Arma 2 version: 1.63.125548 DayZ Epoch Version: To join either search "Prestige Worldwide" on dayz commander OR search for "Prestige Worldwide on dayz launcher. Or alternatively the IP address is The server is running off a dedicated server and has 2 hour restarts with warnings. The mods included on the server so far include: - Tank Trader - RPG - Tanks - AI Missions (weapons, building supplies, medical, supply drops and others). - Added military bases (Dichina, Novy Lug and Bor). - Single Currency - GOLD ONLY. - Starting loadout (basic gear and a G17). - Deployable mountain bike. - Self blood bag. - Snap Building. - Safe Zones. - Roaming AI (easy around cities and the coast and more difficult at airfields). - Refuel, repair, rearm at service stations. - No weight. - Custom map changes such as airfields and other locations. - Increased spawns of military loot. - Always day time. - Overwatch traders at Stary, Klen and Bash. - Added barracks. - Sector FNG (AI Base) ~ Under construction. - Custom Stary trader city. - No plot pole. - AI Bus route Other features: - Active Admins. - Special admin missions. - Added vehicles. Server Rules: - Respect Admins. - No base kamikaze. - No building in military zones. - No camping safe zones. - No hacking. Server Admins: - Davoh - Charlie - Roflstompasaurus - Poojabber Join the server to receive a FREE base building starter kit. (just find one of our admins in game to receive this gift)