I was on my way to Balota airfield the other day... And was booking it between from tree to tree and between bushes heading there from the Komorovo side and I spotted someone running in the open I hit the deck as I thought they saw me... Left my SKS on my back and waited to see of they had seen me. It became apparent they had not because they ran right past me and I decided to chance fate and hello from under the bush I was hiding... I said I was not threat and they stopped looked for me and still could not see me. They raised their hands and stayed in the open I guided them to where I lying in the grass and moved to where I can be seen... I thought for sure I was going to be shot... To my surprise he offered me a loaded ak 101... I asked him why he said he had one already and put down in front of me... Turned and ran away... I got up and picked it up out of the grass and again waited to be shot.... It never came... I pulled out my binos and watched him leave. Picked up the ak101 again and carried on to the airfield. That has been my first experience with someone else's generousity in the game so far. There are good people that play, I'd rather be killed than KOS someone...