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Everything posted by Jãyce

  1. Jãyce

    Stuck at loading screen

    So normally DayZ Epoch runs totally fine. Occasionally I get stuck at the loading screen and usually there is a number at the bottom right corner of the screen, but I hear the in game ambiance. I cannot find a fix, I have tried Verifying game cache, 3 files failed to validate, blah blah blah and BattlEye reinstalled. I've tried rebooting, and restarting Arma 2 OA repeatedly several times in a row. This has been going on ever since I disabled Epoch to try out BAF and PMC. I have no other mods enabled, I have all the correct versions and what not as well. Idk what the problem is but I'm losing my mind. DayZ has 99 problems with it and none of the solutions I've run across are fixing it.
  2. Well, I've been at this since 6PM and it's 9PM now so I'm beyond frustrated. It seems to be one problem or the other and everytime I fix something I get a brand new problem. I've verified the game caches over and over. I've checked to see my game is the same version as the server's. I also ran Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA BEFORE running DayZ in the first place. I've installed Epoch and overwatch through DayZ commander and updated Arma 2 through DayZ commander. I have the same Authentication timeout every single server and when I run regular DayZ servers I get the "\addons\dayz_code\system\ca\functions\init sqf not found" I'm sitting next to my router and I've already rebooted it to no avail. I've tried everything suggested just short of going mad and throwing my computer out the window. Any suggestions?