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Everything posted by Lithium1056
Oh I don't think the place is doomed, an yes it's not as perfect as it could be. And personally I dot think I've even been on reddit, but you're right when I can use the old laptop or desk to that's what I do
LoK,I'm really going to have to disagree with you here (at least for iOS) I have near perfect mobile support. In fact I'm laying in bed watching Bleach as I post this from my iPhone. Not sure about android or other mobile platforms. But I also don't understand the relevance here. I would assume the dev team has desktops in the office. Sure popping on now and then from the old cell phone probably happens. But aside from a page selection option (have to next page through or jump to last post) perfect mobile operations
Possible Gamma/Brightness Exploit Solution?
Lithium1056 replied to Zombie Milkman's topic in Suggestions
I see a lot of "complaints" about gamma correction (current server I play on runs day cycle only so I haven't had an issue) Simplest fix (don't worry I wait through the flames I get for this one) NVG's sure they will only spawn at bases which means gamma corrected people will get them first....... But no really there is no easy fix for this gamma correction is an issue that won't go away some people need it for vision etcetera. Other people will abuse it. I'm sure they will find some kind of balance -
DayZ Virtual Paper Doll - Community Clothing Suggestions (v1.30)
Lithium1056 replied to Evil Minion's topic in Suggestions
I agree I also think the addition of a urban camo would be handy for areas like Electro as well as night servers -
But it's not about those skills in this game Zod, so far this game is about "did I see you first". Also you're right Dean Hall and the development team decide what ideas to use and not use. But what's that mean if they decide to incorporate passive skills? And again when I say passive I mean just that, current average life span of a PVP player means you wouldn't really have to worry about it. This is a set for the survival players, the ones looking for a more legitimate experience. I realize to the over all shooter community this holds little desire. Which is why I suggested the simple fix of having two sets of servers one that implements a passive system and one that doesn't. That's a happy medium for role players and non-role players alike. To many people in my opinion treat this like it's a shooter because it was founded on a shooter platform. When really it's closer to a multiplayer fallout. I agreed people don't like the idea but that doesn't mean other people won't like it.
I agree, it worked with Minecraft because you actually got an honest to god game. Early Access sales presented what we have today including console releases and whatnot. To be honest like I stated in another topic I'd honestly rather get "when it's done" as a response to "when will item x be done?" Than Q3 that suddenly becomes Q4 TbA etc. do I wish I had bought the mod? No if this sees te development it deserves I'll be happy. I'm actually happy for the most part now. Except for zombie no-clip that irritates the piss out of me.
Thank you for being the 1%, I gathered most people would meet this with negativity as this seems to be mostly a shooter crowd. Simplest fix is have this be a private hive option, or simply have role playing hive and shooter hive. I aimed at passive skills that you really don't think about and can't see because that's part of it. In real life the only indication you have that you're getting better at something is results. Similar to the system is described.
I fail to see how it not that type of game, it's a survival simulator, and again think I should edit that to archetype rather than class seeing as that seems to illicit a cookie cutter image in peoples minds. Also aside from people that avoid conflict seems like no one live long enough to see any major down fall from this. And it also makes sense, again it's all a passive system more applicable to PVE. Wouldn't even have to effect PvP
I wasn't trying to imply that every complaint should be answered with "alpha". Just that I've seen multiple items not just here that casual gamers do complain about while expressing so in a manner that this should be this way or that with out ever bothering to see if a fix is underway or bother actually contributing to the community. Selling an unfinished product? Eh? I think the multiple warnings negate legality it's not like they held a gun to anyone's head. A legitimate complaint is legitimate, and hopefully helps the community. I apologize if I offended you in anyway as it wasn't my intent
Do share, also I said passive class system where certain skills would start above novice
Customize our own skins face in DAYZ standalone ?
Lithium1056 replied to NINJAHITAM's topic in Suggestions
Photo mapping faces to 3D models would indeed be too difficult, the standard slider options is fine. Height and weight is plausible but with in reason. Say 5'6" to 6'2" range because. I like the concept that weight is effected by consumption of food. (IE: Fable) over time you'd lose weight from running. -
Just once I'd like a player to tell me to halt or just acknowledge they exist before shooting me in the back of the head. I know there is very little to do once you gear up at the moment but when I clearly have more gear than you can carry how about just asking for some loot bro? This is the apacolypse you wouldn't shoot every facking person that isn't trying to eat your face would you?
I'm guessing it's some to the power of Pi BI quarter. Not that I'm complaining. I just wish they would stop using generalized industry terms. (While I don't want this game to turn out like my following statement by any means) I think the most powerful end all statement ever made by a development firm was in relation to Duke Nukem Forever (aka the game that almost wasn't and never should have been) after years of when will it come out they simply posted a picture of Duke stamped "when it's done!" I'd actually be more ok with that than oh yeah Q3 (which is generally holiday season btw) then suddenly it's "by the end of spring"
I think the biggest issue is people thinking they are paying 30$ for a full game, they just mash that I understand button and never read it. I'm not implying the OP is that way just generalizing the amount of griping I see. And yes after almost a year (average development cycle is around 2 years btw) I can go through videos and forum posts and see that improvements have been made. But I just feel like people expect this to be like Minecraft. Minecraft alpha was almost as good as final because it was simple this game irritates the piss out of me constantly. But I payed 30$ simply to be able to say "back in my day" when people who finally buy it in final gripe about some idiotic thing. Especially when they pay 60$+ for it. I understand how pissy things get these days but just think about how awesome it will be when it's done
I have a better question, which quarterly system is BI on? I've worked in quite a few business's and none I them seems to share the same quarters
That may be a server setting, was on my buddies server today for multiple restarts not a single 100second timer. Even on forced restart (was just me and him in the server and I got glitched into a wall. But still just "wait for host" and "please wait" no spawn timers at all?
Has DayZ ever gotten you in real world trouble?
Lithium1056 replied to trimpampano's topic in General Discussion
You need help! Lol no but really never pick video games over sexy time -
I know for a fact they are working on sound (or so they say) to at least cut out this random noises that don't belong (cans opening, zombie grunts and groans when no zombie is near you etc), but I support the idea of dynamic sound
Brainstorming: Other food than cans that doesnt rot fast...
Lithium1056 replied to Raoul9753's topic in Suggestions
Also as far as psilocybin mushrooms they don't actually vary in look much from quiet a few other edible mushrooms. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psilocybin a you see here it occurs in 200+ species of mushrooms. I don't think we need these in the game but it could prove interesting. They could perhaps introduce a system like Skyrim and it's ingredient system, you eat a little and are able to determine it's effect, in the end though I think we'd just end up with "my mouth tastes funny" and have to treat for poison? -
Brainstorming: Other food than cans that doesnt rot fast...
Lithium1056 replied to Raoul9753's topic in Suggestions
I do lol at least in a rudimentary form, it's often sold as a pre-toddler food, it's very hard "toast" they gum to death! But with the presence of UN gear and such I figure M.R.E. Packs should be included on the list! Honey not so much as it's not a viable nutrition source. Though it can last for hundreds of years unspoiled. The "cup-o-noodle" or Ramen is a viable food source that doesn't "require" water and should also be present in the region, with this being alpha and having very little "lore/backstory" I have a hard time getting a feel for when this all takes place aside from the obvious "near future" implication, I mean fresh produce laying next to rotten produce. I personally apply a "few weeks after Z-day" or at least only a couple months mentality so my logic processor doesn't 'splode! I also preform a mental "this is alpha" mantra! Lol But seriously, I hope to see things like Instant noodles or M.R.E. Packs. Also guess I should clarify as I'm not certain if that acronym is universal M.R.E. Packs replaced canned rations at least in the west. Are stands of Meals Ready to Eat. They come in a buttload of different menu offerings, are self contained and do not require heating to eat, though a warmer that is activated with water is included. In-game they'd (using real world proportions) take up a about the same storage as a box of cereal or bag of rice. Cut out all the real world features, napkins, etc. placing a water container over the pack would open a "heat MRE" dialogue option which could bump how much it fills your hunger meter by a margin. Other wise have it fill the meter same as a bag of rice or something that provides a large amount of "stomach" plus side is it wouldn't reduce hydration possibly even add to it? Also MRE packs normally contain a drink mix that could be added to water bottles/canteens to enhance them (or just function as a water purification?) 0.02 -
Have yet to Kos anyone, and my "first kill" is unconfirmed. Freshspawned in soli, immediately whacked by a zed haul ass bleeding like a stuck pick, run up some stairs (thank god they haven't fixed that yet) bandage and find a fluffy coat and a nearly ruined splitting axe. Zeds dead baby! Start for Zino to meet my buddy, when I happen on a "Bambi" being shredded by a zed, so I pull my axe and whack the zed and kill it. He starts to bandage so do I. He finishes first and decided to start fisticuffs! He had to be new cause I had minimal gear a couple punches to the head and I would have been down, whack him a couple times he's gushing, in voice I tell him if he stops I'll bandage him as I have add kit, hit him once more before he turned tail and ran, no idea if he died or not and I don't feel bad about it in the least
They simply need to remove some of the interaction options. For example "force feeding" turns out if you try as stick rotten food in my mouth in gonna spit it in your face. Ok maybe not that but still. Also have they never watched a crime drama? Cops? The hell can't I run while in handcuffs? I know a lot of this stuff will gradually lessen as more content is added but still! Also in a post apocalyptic world being a line wolf and killing on site gets you dead. Killing anyone that's not trying to eat you is a bad idea.
With player building safes zones can be constructed, I think it's save to assume that players buildings will be exempt from Zombie spawn(IE: four connected walls negate zombie spawn points inside the walls but not out) you will have to guard your own stuff, decide who you let in and deal with the consequences if those people turn on you. I foster the concept that successful guilds/clans will build bases/player towns on their servers, that's how this will function. But you cant really just have a zone where weapons suddenly lock
The Community's List of Suggested Weapons for Dayz Standalone (Version: 1.29)
Lithium1056 replied to alexeistukov's topic in Suggestions
Hey guys if like to also point out that Chernarus is based heavily on the Czech Republic, and thus would have loads of "western" firearms especially with the amount of support provided to the former soviet states from the west. People can harp all they want but the "West" has always stepped in where Russia is concerned. The Cold War didn't end it just changed. I'm not trying to offend anyone or be pro-west or anything it's just common place. Especially in that region. Also in the event of a "zombie" outbreak NATO, the UN and the "west" would be all over sending support. -
The Community's List of Suggested Weapons for Dayz Standalone (Version: 1.29)
Lithium1056 replied to alexeistukov's topic in Suggestions
Tried to get through this whole thing but on my phone it's a bitch :( I'll get on the computer and edit or delete this if it's be suggested or whatnot. But I think the Taurus Judge would make a fine addition. (I'll link later) it can irl (and would be nifty to find variants in game) be fitted with a 5, 6, or 7 round cylinder chambers the 45. Colt and the .410 slug. In game it would probably only be able to chamber one or the other at any given time. But would still be an efficient sidearm. A for the multiple arguments over weapons I feel any firearm readily available from a local gun store classifies it as a civilian weapon. Also hen people say old, it's implied that Dayz take place in the near future, so the old new etcetera shouldn't matter. Also not sure about other regions but the real difference at least in the US between military and civilian is automatic vs. Semi-automatic. I'd like to see more semi-automatic variants in this game it also allows for a wider variety of weapons that could be uncommon/rare. I'd also like to see a few collectors weapons in ultra-rare spawns or with limited ammo spawns. People saying that wouldn't be there or here and whatnot. Remember the region is modeled after the Czech Republic (a former soviet state) if DayZ takes place in the ArmA universe the region was recently in conflict with the Federation, as was aided by US forces, The presence of UN gear could explain various other countries weaponry. Over all this is a fantastic suggestion list and I support most of these options. I shy away from the mini-gun option unless it's fixed and when construction becomes an option can't be mounted to player construction (ie plant a barricade on a well traveled path and just now down everything that moves) but could still be interesting