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Everything posted by Lithium1056
I don't know what civilian means "elsewhere" in the US it generally means a semi-automatic version of weapon "xyz". Ergo I can buy a semi-automatic M4 variant or "P90" (forget what that's actually called. But "insert about a mile of legal bs here pertaining to assault and machine weapons bans" prevents fully automatic variants. I naturally assume other countries institute similar restrictions to attempt to give law enforcement an "upper hand" So when I think Civilian weapons I do think of the AR-15 or the M14 ranch hand(think that's the model name for the semi) because of those restrictions here. But past that and the other "legal" definitions I can purchase MP5's and whatnot as a civilian so long as I meet the the legal purchase requirement and the weapon doesn't class as a machine or assault weapon. That being said the "machine weapons" ban of 1986 only pertained to fully automatic weapons manufactured after "date x" in 1986 and commercial retail sales. (Which is the big hoopla about gun shows over here) if you posses a mp-40 I can through private sale as a civilian (although I think this law was amended to incorporate a particular license) purchase that from you. So again I go back to the era specific weapons as well as questioning why constitutes a "civilian weapon?
Has DayZ ever gotten you in real world trouble?
Lithium1056 replied to trimpampano's topic in General Discussion
Read as "I know the trick to being able to do what I want when the f*** I want and occasionally get anal!" Lol -
I said much bigger didn't say it didn't get bigger.
Please add slow (Romero-style) zombies as a server option.
Lithium1056 replied to rudiger650's topic in Suggestions
Ok first things first please for the love of glob someone point me to a Dayz official lore thread? I've heard all kinds of "this is what happened" stories and they are all different. Two, with the lowest common denominator I've determined this. They aren't actually zombies rather living infected beings "you" (the player) are immune. Three. "Walking dead" relies on hordes! "Works" great in dead rising 3 where "over 9000!" Zombies are on screen moving at the speed old people "roll in the hay" and a single weapon shears through the pack. And when they drop after a single swing here I'll support shamblers and hordes in Dayz. Until then if rather they just stop sprinting through walls -
That's why this is the suggestions board lol. I'm pretty sure everything major has been discovered "and now we wait!" Once we hit the next development phase? Yeh we can find new bugs right now every "issue" I've encountered has been "reported" so it's gear up kill or be killed, wash rent repeat! Next couple weeks are decision time as far as the mod/arma goes lol until then I wait
#doyouevenmathbro? Kidding, in all seriousness though at close range stopping power in a pistol round doesn't get much bigger than a .45 especially when compared to the 9mm round (in real life obviously) the game physics though don't compensate for stoping power though it would be pretty nifty if it did. Walk around a corner take a round to the vest and get pushed back a bit. However since coding is pretty much all math yes it should take a single rifle round to the torso to stop the average player with anything less than a ballistics vest on. An at most three pistol rounds. But again that I'm sure will get hammered out later
That's what they all say, except for batman he just pulls out the green rocks
DayZ Virtual Paper Doll - Community Clothing Suggestions (v1.30)
Lithium1056 replied to Evil Minion's topic in Suggestions
http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/32300000/Poncho-Daryl-daryl-dixon-32377139-565-318.jpg -
I can see it being effective. Remember we don't have an actual time frame in dayz of when you "wake up" compared to when Zday happened. Most warning systems have a generator. I can see this mostly being an effective ambience in large cities where players cannot interact with it it simply loops a "warning message" every 10-15 minutes
That sir is all fine and dandy....... When we have that, this however is directed towards stand alone. Which at the moment is dirty and nasty and turning left might kill you. I'm am seriously considering grabbing Arma2 on it's next steam sale cycle though and trying the mod out
Cute coming from the guy who got his ass kicked by a Kansas farm boy! ;)
Speaking from a real world perspective at range a 9mm round has very little stopping power. This is why my bedside table has a .45 in it. It may not kill you outright but you will seriously reconsider having broken into my home while you stare at my ceiling. As far as damag reduction via clothing. Why aren't you aiming for the head? Seriously though it all seems like a place holder for armor values. Once fully implemented in sure we will see a much better system
DayZ Virtual Paper Doll - Community Clothing Suggestions (v1.30)
Lithium1056 replied to Evil Minion's topic in Suggestions
Yes and no, a nice variety yes, but to much and you bog down the loot system, perhaps later a effective customization system for "default" wear but as for global loot I think it should be kept slightly in regional fashion as well as any support that came to aid. -
The PU rail would actually be useful for holding it, but I like your concept.
To be honest Pilgrim they could add this in the way I discribe a it minus the picking a proficiency before spawn part not tell anyone and 95% of players would never notice. It would all be back end. And again if fully support seperate servers for this, hell I would even support this as a post final version mod. I'm glad to see people debating it, but at the end of the day it's not gonna make or break me if the Devs never see or consider this idea. It's just a concept, not intended to make combat vs player easier really (though that seems to be the direction people are taking it) rather mimic the fact that in a real life situation you would over time become better at any repetitive action. I think it's best we just let this drift back towards the back pages and carry on
I disagree, arms dealers, cartels and even American street gangs aren't using low quality weapons any more. Also my point with the Tec-9 is the ease it's modified not made. It's actually a fairly solid construction. But with DayZ we have an oppurtunity to explore other firearms. People screaming for regional specific weapons are out I thier minds. Because very few soviet weapons saw mass production aside from the AK series and the Mosin Nagant series. To give you an example the PPSH 41 saw 6 million units produced the Mosin line saw 35 million units! We are also talking about a country that's seen more foreign invasions than the Middle East! (Ok maybe not but still!) I agree western weapons in mass (post WWII era at least) don't need to be introduced. 95% of "western" weapons as we see them are actually produced by joint operations of multiple countries trying to advance weapons to a more universal scale. But at the same time Russia hasn't really produced an advanced weapon in recent years. And most other shooters rely on being able to use prototype production weapons! (IE: the Kriss super V aka the Vector .45 SMG or the remmington ACR) what we do need to see though is legitimately proven weapons. Tat have even adapted by multiple countries (especially NATO and UN countries) that would have responded to a viral outbreak on this scale in that region (IE Czech Republic) or universally adapted weapons systems like the UZI the MP5 and so forth. As well as an accurate portrayal of the mass amounts of surplus left over from WWII and follow up conflicts (the odd stg-44 or MP-40 that grand dad pried from te fingers of a frozen Nazi) which so far we've see accurate weapons. AKM, M4 etc. I'd like to see some more Russian designs thrown in especially the Ballistic Knife which was used almost exclusively in Russia. I'd like to see the SVD and others. But "crime-guns" and makeshift weapons designed in the cloak and dagger days of the Cold War as you describe them have no place for the most part. As the average citizen isn't going to have the working knowledge to build them. But along those lines I do like where it could go as far as common knowledge attachments. Hydrate with a Pipsi, duct tape it to your 1911 and have a 1-2 shot silencer. That rotten potato? Just saved you from half of Elektro getting a bead on you cause you found that a .45 round and a 1911 before you found an Axe and that Zombie/player is standing between you and survival. Yeah I can life with that and it would certainly make those empty cans and rotten potatos useful.
It's actually easier than binocs irl, plus you get the added fact you could do this all while hiding your sidearm etc. I feel like I get shot a lot cause it's assumed I'm aiming at you. When in fact I'm just scouting an area, if I could just pull up the scope it's great sure KOs kid will still shoot but no gun means less chance you feel threatened
It's not about who has a rifle but no ammo I. Their house. I live under the assumption that a guy with a Rifle in the same or ether condition has already been here. My grip is I've once found a handgun near a magazine
Not for abunch of "western made" gun but it woul make since for "westernized" guns to litter the landscape. For example the Tec-9/KG9 is a popular semiautomatic machine pistol easily modified to full auto that's been westernized by gangster rap and shows like sons of anarchy while being originated in Sweden I believe. Really any weapon that sees blackmarket sales (which is what I assume you mean by "crime") as a large amount of gun traffic flows through the Asia's from Europe.
Well lets start here first. There is NO semi-Automatic version of the M-10(actual name of the MAC-10) secondly it's far less used than any other .45apc SMG. Secondly there are far more superior AR platforms that we should consider before the knock off M-16. There are plenty of firearms that we can add with out it being out of place in the region.
They do spawn all over. But I do tend to only find them when I don't need them. Also I recall on a suggestion thread I think where a mention was made that is was an oversight and will likely be changed to the x54r
So it doesn't simulate a real life survival situation? It is a simulator, at it's very base gameplay that's what it is. That's the draw for a lot of people, that's why I enjoy it. Because of the simulation factor.
Hence this being a development suggestion and me amending my suggestion to accommodate separate servers
remove magazine selection from Action UI, implement smart reloading
Lithium1056 replied to commanderbash's topic in Suggestions
Also (as this happened to me yesterday) can we make it so if your gun is loaded you don't reload it? Found an sks and a stripper, loaded the sks manually, mind you if I fire a couple of rounds it tells me my gun is loaded and I can't replace this two rounds. I "open" a door and nope reload animation/sound thank god it was on a server reset so I no one heard me but it sure pissed me off -
No no no no and........well ok the "beer helmet" is a novel idea couple of Pipsi cans and you're hydrated all day lol