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Everything posted by Lithium1056
PLEASE make the pig safe is unicorn of dayz
Lithium1056 replied to Shrub Rocketeer ™'s topic in General Discussion
No sir it does not but it doesn't taste nearly as "off" as Spam either -
Poll - Why aren't people playing hardcore mode
Lithium1056 replied to TimF's topic in General Discussion
Lol funny you should post that while I was typing about that exact thing -
Poll - Why aren't people playing hardcore mode
Lithium1056 replied to TimF's topic in General Discussion
Because "hardcore" isn't hardcore yet! If you use any other game with a "hardcore" mode it doesn't just limit your view to first person. Once they actually implement something that gives it a "hardcore" feeling I'll proly give it a go. To give you an idea what I'm talking about I'll uses Battlefield and Call of Duty as an example. (Not comparing these games so please don't go there) I'll start with Call of duty when I started playing Call of Duty it was on COD4 modern warfare met the guys I ended up playing with in GTA 4 without having ever played COD4 (this was on xbox and up to this point Id avoided FPS games on console cause I was born an raised a PC Gamer) they played Hardcore only (which unlocked at level 14 as I recall) so my level 1 guy and myself having never played the game didn't know the difference. I found it too easy at first. Only took a couple of shots to drop a guy, not a lot of data cluttering up my screen (mini-map, xp bar, ammo count, inventory) it wasn't until I tried to join a server on my own I discovered the difference. The battlefield series treats it almost the same way(limited HUD, no map, no health regeneration, less starting health, increased bullet damage etc) So I almost feel like this is the "standard" people are used to in a "hardcore" mode. I honestly all but forget I can mash my return key for a 3PP so there is usually no difference in these two modes at the moment for me. I actually normally only use third person the way I do in the Elder Scrolls/Fallout(3 and NV) series! And that's for long stretches of "hold W key now" just like every multi perspective game I've ever played the third person Camera is wonky[sic] as hell. It limits your view inside buildings and is only useful for firing from the hip combat which atm is spray and pray at best in DayZ. If the implement "hardcore" settings like other games I'll probably play those servers for the added immersion, good example for that is Fallout New Vegas "hardcore" mode in that forced you to eat, drink, sleep, added weight to items that didn't posses weight in "normal" modes. And in all honesty felt like DayZ does now (the eating and drinking limited inventory etc). Again that's what I think of when I hear "hardcore" mode because that's "my norm" ad again since I hardly ever use third person unless I'm running through the woods/fields between destinations this holds little difference for me. And I personally think that's why most people don't play them or don't bother because it's not yet a massive difference -
You have a slight point, however at that close of quarters shadows being on provides the advantage not off. At range it's my fault for hiding in such an exposed area. Without sounding like a broken record this is Alpha this things will be addressed, but forcing shadows on limits the audience. Some people can run the game just not at max! Also to be the MLGPro player what you really need to do is not play DayZ cause it's never going to make the competitive cut for that kind of gaming to begin with. Also let me say again! If we are close enough to kill each other shadows on will always have the advantage over shadows off. Let me give you an example: we are in Elektro the sun is in front of me and to your back that extra 2-4 seconds I have from seeing your shadow to you coming around the corner is your life not mine.
Yes I get it and based on the way we spawn no we aren't the military people we are average joes forced into a far from average situation. My story for any RP may include a military back ground but not a present one. Again my original question has been answered by Dean Hall no less. Now people are busy putting words in my mouth
No that's not what I "want" Jesus Christ people like my "original post" said it was a question! Like my last response said it's doable without a group of NPC soldiers in a far greater area with Zeds! I'm glad we went off on this rabbit chase though at some point I'm sure we will find the hole to wonderland! And it was never a question of mil-spec gear not spawning in Balota or NWAF it was a question about ultra Rares something not Ben implemented yet. Like many of my ideas I've already conceded this is something of mod material. Let's not get into a pissing match over what "I" ask about! The fact that Zeds have an inventory like I already addressed means that unless looting zeds is an alpha oversight means that you could in fact randomly spawn "ultra rare" loot on any zed anywhere on the map and negate this whole question/thread in fact heli crashes could already do this as it's been mentioned that instead of every known spawn happening in expbranch about 12 do globally. BOOM! Who question covered and answered without the need for said NPC squad! Now let's move forward!
How is it "easy" mode when you turn off shadows? I mean the obvious boost in FPS makes sense, but you turning off shadows doesn't help you as now you can't see shadows. Shadows give me an advantage over you cause I will see your shadow but you wont see mine. I guess I'm missing your point somewhere
PLEASE make the pig safe is unicorn of dayz
Lithium1056 replied to Shrub Rocketeer ™'s topic in General Discussion
you should be Tarred and Feathered for that bro! tactical bacon is just precooked preserved bacon and actually fairly tasty http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/c399/ Also yes the wild boar problem is overwhelming in areas of the US especially here in Florida. It is pretty much open season on them year round (they do monitor the population though) and don't as I recall recall tags or permits to hunt. Not sure how big of an issue they are in Chernerus or Czech but I'd like to see them more than deer and other animals. As far as helicopter hunting goes Wild Boar are fiercely territorial and unlike in the game they will attempt to rush and gore you. So larger groups have to be "culled" "carefully". Seems like overkill but when you're a lone hunter or in small group 5 or 6 boar can pose a huge threat. They are fairly fast for their size as you can see in the video. -
Suicide shouldn't be faced with some mythical spawn point in no mans land or have some ridiculous spawn timer. It should simply ruin every item on your person. I say this because it creates a new level of interaction. "But Lithium everyone will just drop their items off before they suicide!" You're right in a controlled setting they will. Bravo you outsmarted my master plan. However the next time you decide you want to chase me down or snipe me from afar for my gear you're really going to have to think long and hard about it. And hope you kill me before I do. Maybe you'll even stand outside that door and ask me if I have anything worth robbing me for in that back pack.
But I also addressed Combat logging, if you're more than 20 seconds away from a person when in combat then sure it could be a problem. But when you log out the server retains your body (will read unknown if pulse is checked) but it's still kill-able and registers as a death to your character in all servers. (IE you fresh spawn on log in)
first off lets be clear I wasn't suggesting this I was asking if it was a plan. Secondly I've begun to lean towards Zods way of thinking here and after reviewing MY OWN "suggestion" realize this can be implemented with out a group of roving NPCs since I can access a Zeds inventory I assume they intend to implement loot spawns on Zombies which not only gives us a reason to kill Zombies vs avoid Zombies it give a far greater range of where that ultra rare loot (read that as some awesome item that isn't even implemented yet) can spawn. that coupled with Heli Spawns works for me just fine even if they don't add rare loot to zeds I still assume they will at some point spawn loot unless them having a search option is just an oversight atm
The Community's List of Suggested Weapons for Dayz Standalone (Version: 1.29)
Lithium1056 replied to alexeistukov's topic in Suggestions
Ok I would not oppose the AR-15/M-16 if a Marksmen semi-automatic version was implemented.Also not having the ability to change it's receiver and not having it use 5.56x45 NATO because it's designed to receive the Remington .223/5.56x45 which while similar is there is a differents(AR-15s actually chamber an impressive number of rounds for an AR platform) so have it fire a different ammo. Most m14's were force locked into semi-automatic fire during Nam and it has since be replaced with the M14EBR which I would greatly like to see in this game. I'd personally like to see more Marksmen rifles and few assault rifles.. -
Searched didn't see a post about anything like this. Anyway I'd like to see some sort of passive stats system incorporated. Not quite sure how it's work out as it would have to most likely be per life rather than account but here goes. Your character starts with his basic abilities at novice, over time however interaction with the world would raise those stats making you more efficient at a skill. Sprinting would increase stamina and hold breath, increase the speed of walking and running etc. melee would increase strength but only for successful hits! Swinging an axe in open air for an hour wouldn't effect it. Chopping trees would effect it but only at like .10 effectiveness. Club a zombie increase strength allowing for fewer hits to kill a zombie. (Axes pretty much one to two shot zombie but let's say your increase your strength and can now three shot a zombie with a machete?) also would increase your resistance to attack from zombies. Successful hits with firearms increase your firearms (reduce sway, recoil recovery etc) patching gear increases your ability to repair/ damages sewing kits less etc. Anyway you get the idea! Like I said would almost have to be per life. You could incorporate lesser skill to select from to start out with being slightly higher that novice say journeyman level. Or have secondary survival skills unlock on the account level if you master them in one life, but not combat skills. (IE: if you master repair, or camping, every life you start with the expert skill level) There shouldn't be a visible indicator for these skills except maybe like when you open a can of beans with an axe? "I patched wool coat but not very well" for example. As you skill improves the message improves. For repair as it goes up, and then you can repair items that normally say you can't patch. Again combat skills always start at novice. I suppose you could institute a passive class system from the default character screen that let's you select survivalist, soldier, sportsman etc. that would slightly alter your base stats from the get. You'd respawn as that until you changed your default etc. Mods if this needs to be merged please do so, again I did search and didn't find a similar post
Accuracy should never improve with a stat that's not how real life works however incorporating attachments for weapons does. Also any stat system has an exploit (for example in oblivion hop on a rafter rubber band te remote free sneak) it's never perfect it will/would be exploited but all it takes is a bullet to the skull piece to erase a hundred hours of exploitation! My idea and even I agree there should be separate servers/characters for this. The idea is to broaden the player base not confine it. Anyway back to the bar real life = > Dayz lol
1. Yes you are completely in game space for the 99 seconds/30seconds and please wait. It's garbage! You're also in game for 20-30 seconds after you logout so combat logging isn't an issue
Agreed but I still don't wanna see a bunch of dicks we have enough of those running aroun KOS already
DayZ Zombies, an attempt to diagnose the zed condition
Lithium1056 replied to Death By Crowbar's topic in General Discussion
Outside NWAF is the only thing I've encountered remotely resembling a grave. I'd support man made, also Chernerus is a perfect test zone for all the reasons it's a Terrible target. Also I assumed it was world wide epidemic scale. The 28dayz later theory makes sense. -
I initially did because they are payday masks. Three quick rounds to the head later no mas!
Agreed, but it still doesn't make sense lets say I come under fire and have to dash into a building I wouldn't take the time to sling a rifle over my shoulder I'd dash for cover
I'd be fine with that, and I'm sure as we move forward in development a great many things will come to pass that make this concept obsolete which I'm fine with. From what I hear exp has already improved the combat mechanics. One edition I'm not to happy about though I may be misinformed is that .47 forces you to "shoulder" your primary to sprint? Which I dislike slow me down while sprinting a bit maybe but don't force my weapon to my back. And make me "bring it back to ready" that's fine, I don't mind having to hit space at the end of a sprint to "ready" my rifle.
The Community's List of Suggested Weapons for Dayz Standalone (Version: 1.29)
Lithium1056 replied to alexeistukov's topic in Suggestions
blunderbuss!!! -
Depends really some of them aren't as bad as others. No more than the military uniforms already in game. I do think they should negate the ability to wear a helmet though (if hooded) but still allow for a mask
Lol true true.
Agreed, also I think I posted earlier about a simple fix to player built structures that would simply force spawn points to something like 10m from the wall(s) at least for zombies, players could still spawn inside and it also wouldn't apply to say walling in Elektro. It would have to be structures placed in the wilderness only. And for simplicity just force all spawns 10m out side of any structure. If you were to build "city walls" then played could still spawn inside the "no zed" bubble but not inside a roofed domicile. Or something to that effect. Possibly even have structures bound to the builder so they could spawn inside their own homes idk
Yes and no. Zombies should never spawn inside a building that was cleared. And certainly not inside a building that a player built. There should in no way be a "safe from players" zone unless you build/barricade a house and lock yourself in. And even then players should be able to "break in" if they really want to. Policing a area will be up to players yes. But I don't want to clear a building and hole up to mend wounds or wait out a rainstorm just to have Johnny Zed spawn in behind me.