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    On the Coast
  1. Now thanks to whoever locked my last post, that was not the answer. I am not dumb enough to leave my resoultion wrong. I have also searched for answers. Things almost have a blue shadow which made me think something to do with 3D settings but I have no idea why that would be. This is my CFG file: language="English";adapter=-1;3D_Performance=100000;Resolution_Bpp=32;Resolution_W=1600;Resolution_H=900;winX=16;winY=32;winW=800;winH=600;winDefW=800;winDefH=600;refresh=60;Render_W=1600;Render_H=900;FSAA=2;postFX=0;GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000;GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3;HDRPrecision=16;lastDeviceId="";localVRAM=1050738688;nonlocalVRAM=2147483647;vsync=0;ssaoEnabled=0;AToC=15;SWLayersCount=96;PipQuality=3;PPAA=2;Windowed=0; I see 3D performance in there, so is that something that is doing it?Thanks

    DayZ blurry and pixelated

    My DayZ is blurry (I am not low on blood) and the edges of things are pixelated and almost cartoony looking. I accidently hit return to default in settings and I have no idea why my game looks so strange.