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Enemy11 (DayZ)

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About Enemy11 (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Enemy11 (DayZ)

    We Shoot Without Warning

    lold at video, nice done do winchesters even spawn anymore? i havent seen them in ages
  2. Enemy11 (DayZ)

    Underrated Weapons

    Makarov. Good aim will win the 1v1 in close range. A few headshots and it doesnt even matter what gun the other guy had.
  3. Enemy11 (DayZ)

    When do people use zeroing on the AKM?

    Its very accurate, the zero'ing helps for long range like 500 meters where other assault rifles would fail. Burst fire + proper zero'ing makes it useable for medium range.
  4. Or you could actually start using your brain yourself to realise everyone in this thread already acknowledged it's an alpha. The reason we're complaining is because nothing is being done with the feedback. Proof = the time it's taking to fix the bugs since last patch. Proof nr2 = the fact that every patch brings new gamebreaking bugs. Inb4 you're not forced to play it. Bullshit argument since everyone knows 95% of the 1million+ people who bought arma2 did it for dayz. They should at least take on the responsibility to maintain said mod on a playable level. If you think the forum gets flooded with complaints atm, check again in a few months when the standalone is out which is still gonna be filled with bugs. Ill get my popcorn ready for that moment.
  5. http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20120824T18&p0=127&msg=DayZ+Hunger+GameZ
  6. He does not need to provide evidence since this topic proves he banned you for harassment. Please enjoy never playing DayZ on his server again.
  7. Enemy11 (DayZ)

    Met a hacker... and I pity him

    For a hacker, you sure are an obvious one indeed.
  8. Enemy11 (DayZ)

    Steps to become a "Killing Machine"

    1. find an enfield 2. go hunting in cherno/elektro, with all the dupers around you will be geared within 15min
  9. Enemy11 (DayZ)

    I'm embarrassed to post this....

    2 AS50's, 12 zombie kills and no clue how to use them. seems legit
  10. Enemy11 (DayZ)


    Except they already did that.
  11. Enemy11 (DayZ)

    Best Weapon Combo

    I respawned about 5 times today, each time i got geared up within 15 minutes because cherno/elektro is filled with pathetic dupers nowadays who have no clue how to use end game gear.
  12. tldr; you're(see what i did there?) an idiot
  13. Enemy11 (DayZ)

    Best Weapon Combo

    tell them to stop duping
  14. Enemy11 (DayZ)

    What is the best sidearm to you?

  15. Enemy11 (DayZ)

    You have been kicked : BattlEye Client Not Responding

    are you launching through dayz commander?