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Everything posted by The MILN

  1. The MILN

    Trading Post

    I have both the black high cap vest (w) and 1 AK-74 mag if you'd like to trade!
  2. The MILN

    Trading Post

    Trading off a smersh vest (w) for a police uniform, firefighter uniform, and red paramedic uniform. Message me on here or steam @RogueMarine01 for details. Sorry, had a derp post.
  3. The MILN

    Swords and castles spawns - seeking advice

    I got lucky and found mine on one of the wooden staircases in Devil's Castle :P Time to go yell "You shall not pass" to fresh spawns on the coast...
  4. The MILN

    Trading Post

    Hello everyone! I'm looking to trade off my Sword (damaged) to get a Smersh Vest & M4A1
  5. The MILN

    Trading Post

    Sword is still up for anyone that'd like to put offers on it!
  6. The MILN

    Trading Post

    Message me on here or steam @roguemarine01
  7. The MILN

    Trading Post

    GUYS, I found 2 swords, 1 for me, and one to trade off. Send me a message if interested in a trade!
  8. The MILN

    Tents in .52

    More than likely, since they switched the .50 server message to say .51 instead, and did wipes on certain Wednesdays...
  9. The MILN

    Trading Post

    Wow, I didn't think that a jacket and such would warrant for really rare items. :/
  10. The MILN

    Trading Post

    Hello everyone, I'm new to the trading forums on Day Z Currently have 1 x Steyr AUG (W) 1 x M4A1 (W) -with Carry Handle Optics (P) Plastic Handguard (W) OE Buttstock (P) 1 x Mosin (P) 1 x LRS (P) 1 x PU Scope (W) 2 x Compensator (P) (W) 1 x Camo face mask (W) 2 x Black face mask (W) 1 x Green Balaclava (W) 1 x Flashbang (P) Currently looking for Sword AK74 mags MP5 & mags OREL uniform etc Will keep updating as I find new loot. *Update* Found my first Smersh Vest from a Russian Helicopter crash, and not from a dead guy's hands :D If interested, message me either on here or steam @roguemarine01. Thanks guys!
  11. The MILN

    Gasoline Can on the V3S

    I saw at one point that in .52 you would be able to attach the Gasoline (Jerry) Can onto the V3S. Is it possible to do this, since I have tried since finding a truck today, and I have had no luck in succeeding. Any help would be appreciated!
  12. The MILN

    Gasoline Can on the V3S

    I have tried carrying the can in my hands, and that used to work on .51, but not now, unless I'm doing something wrong xD
  13. The MILN

    Question about Heli Crash sites

    Just had persistance turned off on the server that 2 buddies and I run, and found a helicopter shortly after. Too bad someone had already looted it :p
  14. The MILN

    Question about Heli Crash sites

    So from what it seems helicopters only show up on Non-persistant servers? Am I understanding this correctly? On our server the other day, we found a m4, ammo box and such at the NWAF at a crash site location, but there was no helicopter..
  15. I'm having a similar issue as well. I'm able to view the EULA, but I'm not able to scroll down it or anything of the sort to accept the terms. Stuck :/ Anyone have any idea how to get passed this?
  16. The MILN

    Coastal KOSers

    It all depends on how I'm feeling when I'm back at the coast (usually meeting up with a buddy or such.) Went into the medical center by the factory along the coast, and saw a fresh spawn in said building looting. I asked him if he was a friendly (of course, having my trusty sawed off shotty out, lowered just in case he wasn't) He proceeds to tell me to go f**k myself and punches me in the face, ruining my sunglasses (I call them oakleys because they look like one of the pairs that I have). I shot him twice in the face with the shotgun for ruining those damn oakleys...
  17. The MILN

    Do you ever feel sorry?

    One time I was in Berezino and a guy called out on chat asking if I was friendly, as I was running down the street (didn't really worry about loosing anything as I was a freshspawn). I said Yeah, I could use help killing these zombies. (Had a magnum with only 6 bullets) He kills them and I hand him a rag to bandage up. As we're talking, my 2 buddies playing in the next town up from me were ambushed by a group of 3. So I put on the mic saying "I hate to do this to ya man, but I need that mosin." Drop him with a magnum, grab his gear,(felt horrible for doing so) and ran towards my buddies, one of them died, but we were able to take out the group of bandits that ambushed them. I've done some horrible things to people, but that one got to me.. Special K, if you're reading this, I'm terribly sorry for killing you. If I ever see you again, you can have everything on my person and shoot me for it.
  18. Says a kid at the top of ATC tower "I'm a friendly" at the NWAF as I'm walking up to it (my last stop for my NWAF runs). Next thing you know a bullet whizzes by my head and I manage to grab my sawed off shotty (love that thing) and injure him, and then finish him off with a M4. Friendly? Seriously? Let's be honest here, if you're at the NWAF, you're more likely than not to KOS anything that moves. (At least from all my "encounters" there.) Any time I have conversed with a random person there, they end up pulling out a gun and we end up killing each other. The only people that are more friendly are the fresh spawns when you both meet up and have nothing. Well, that adds to Bandit Kill Count #5 with this character :D
  19. The MILN

    "I'm not going to shoot you"

    I should've included that in the OP, he said i'm not going to shoot, i'm friendly. My apologies~
  20. The MILN

    "I'm not going to shoot you"

    A smart-ass comment from a person on the forums? Who knew? Congratulations kid, you've pretty much won the internet. Are you going to tell me to "Git Gud" while you're at it? I had my gun lowered since I'd rather run faster with it lowered than it raised. I didn't even notice him until I got right next to the ATC tower. Anyways, I'm trying to break away from the straight up KOS because after doing it for a few months it's starts to get old when you're by yourself (With a group of friends, well, that's another story lol). Even made a couple of new friends on here, met them outside Vybor, and now they help run our server.
  21. The MILN

    [Be nice] How do you torture people in days?

    Restrain and/or break legs. Burlap sack. Sometimes we'll use the boondock saints prayer. Others it'll just be us saying random things using voice changers. Lately we'll shoot a guys legs to break it, run up to him, bandage him up, and tell him that there are sticks in the middle of the road one way, and rags on the other way. Gives us more than ample time to get away.
  22. The MILN

    My worst enemy...

    No, not players who are bored and shoot anything that moves. Not the zombies, but Stairs. That's right. Stairs. I was walking up to the medical building in Vybor, and my friend watched as soon as I touched the first stair, I fall over dead... #therealstruggle
  23. The MILN

    The Most Dangerous Game

    I decide to get on day z on my server to go look for the AK101, since I lost mine last night in a firefight. I spawn in about 2 minutes away from the military base south of the NWAF, and find a server hopper going through it (The server had restarted before I got on.) once I got to the outer wall. I go into the base and start trailing him. He went through 2 buildings, both times I sat on the sides of said buildings, just waiting to get a good shoot with my mp5k (only thing I had, only had 2 mags). He finally decides to go melee a zombie that was following him as well. I didn't shoot him while he was dealing with the zombie. Once he put away his splitting axe, I got a good burst of 9mm into his upper back/neck area. He drops, starts cussing me out (as usual) and I then proceed to off him. Didn't get to see your name kid, but thanks for giving my friend who got on during this hunt all your gear. I've tried being a hero at first. I've saved a few people by giving them food, water, blood/saline transfusions. I've even saved a couple bambis from bandit firing squads. But after trying to help people multiple times and they'd just pull out a pistol and shoot me in the back (or bash my skull in with a melee weapon) I kinda just said f--k it, I'm done. I'm a bandit now. (Well, a little bit of both bandit and hero, depending on the situation at hand and my mood)
  24. The MILN

    The Most Dangerous Game

    that and taking people hostage... "Here... have a kiwi.."