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About disastersoldier

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  1. disastersoldier

    Self medicate.

    If you could do everything yourself, they would just be supporting bandits. Blood transfusions are 1 of the only things encourageing people to help each other..........
  2. disastersoldier

    ZAS is looking for new members

    Name: Jake In-game Name: DisasterSoldier Age: 16 Location: Denmark What Games you Play: Too many to mention! if you add me on steam you can take a look for your self ;) (madsen2800) Experience on DayZ/Gaming: I have played it since some of the first released alpha versions / hpw long i have been gaming? about 6-7 years Why do you want to join?: I have grown bored of playing this alone. I do have Teamspeak 3 and skype.
  3. disastersoldier

    Need a medic

    What kindof a reward? and where in the world are you? (in game)
  4. disastersoldier

    HG - Hired Guns

    But imagine if you were alone ;) and we actually work free for [TWM] Since i got connections to them ;)
  5. disastersoldier

    HG - Hired Guns

    Dude you clearly don't like this topic, therefor please leave it. And ignore it instead og being annoying.
  6. disastersoldier

    HG - Hired Guns

    Exactly! have you ever had someone you were helping turn on you? and died because of it? This group could have been there to watch your bag. And even if you died, we would guard your loot until you could get it again.
  7. disastersoldier

    HG - Hired Guns

    Maybe you have, but i haven't and id like to do it. And i have 4 pending bodyguards. And i know some people who have used us as bodyguards before. And i thought why not let all be able to use us. And what do you care? If you don't like it don't look at it.
  8. disastersoldier

    HG - Hired Guns

    Have you ever needed some backup? Well you can have some now. [Hired Guns] Can assassinate targets for you. Or be your bodyguard escort. So if you need help in a matter of yours tell us what you need. You will need to describe when and where it will happen. And how many guns you need to back you up. We discuss the payment over skype or steam. Or just post what you can give. If you have got helped by a bodyguard tell us. So that we can whitelist them. Update your post, don't make a new one. Do you wan't to become a bodyguard you will need to be mentioned atleast 10 times to be whitelisted. And you need valid proof that you did help someone. Though if 2 or more people tells us that you betrayed them, you will become blacklisted. Did you try to help someone as a bodyguard but got set up? Tell us their named and they will become black listed. 1: DisasterSoldier Steam: Madsen2800 Skype: DisasterSoldier (can help between 16:00 - 24:00 gmt+1) 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: I am not the only gun available, though the others have not confirmed whether they want to be posted on this site yet.
  9. disastersoldier

    Gillie 4 Tent Trade? Have Tents Now - All set = TY

    Id love to trade my m14 for your spare ghillie, but unfortuatnly my legs are broken and im trapped in the middle of nowhere waiting for my rescue
  10. disastersoldier

    M136 - Very Rare - Rocket Launcher

    Oooh i can tell you a fine storie! When i was walking through the early morning mists! I suddenly saw a bright flash behind me, followed by a big bang. In that moment, i thought "HOLY MOTHER FUCKING CRAP PIE RUUUN RUUUN GAWD DAMMIT!!!!" And then i ran! I ran all i could. And i survived with minor injuries,i thought im going to get revenge on that person. So then i hid in a small bush and saw the man walk past it. 1 shot 1 kill. And then i had my first rocket launcher.. aaaand a buch of other nice shit! And im still alive by this day! Without morphine and a pair of broken bones :( god save me.
  11. disastersoldier

    Spawn in on each other.

    Okay, first of all. We know a lot of people play with their friends. So my suggestion is that people should be able to spawn on someone, BUT only on their first spawn, Like the first spawn of a new character. And when you choose a person you would like to spawn at. The guy should recieve a button on hes screen. Do you wanna allow (insert name) to spawn at your location?. (YES) (NO)
  12. disastersoldier


    This server will apon server log in. warn you that if you kill one of the TAG members you will be banned. And they kick me and my friend when we logged in to the server. And it is only members of the clan thats online. Which i assume is because they wanna play alone and thats illegal so to speak. Since you can't use your server for clans only. This is the server name::: DE3 - UK (v1.7.1.5/beta 93825) [Veteran 3DP:OFF][GMT+1] dayzmod.com - hosted by BTB 9999 Veteran DayZ Chernarus COOP Playing FULL 1.60.93825 Over and out
  13. disastersoldier

    1hr 17min hatchet chase

    This was me :D
  14. disastersoldier

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I had one of those yesterday. But it didn't give me co-ordinates for deerstands but for tents :) (Those set down by survivors)
  15. disastersoldier

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Weeeell i might have been your axe murderer because i have been running around and killind a bit more than a dusin people :) And each time i get close to my next prey i say http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_C4f7JKVfQ&feature=related (skip to 1:06 ) And that usually scares the crap out of people. Sadly my pc is to bad to that i can record ArmA 2 :(