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About Yeahimh

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  1. Yeahimh

    [VIDEO] "Yo, what if I eject?"

    i realized it was you from your voice before i looked at who posted this lol
  2. Yeahimh

    [VIDEO] "Yo, what if I eject?"

    haha very nice wookie.
  3. So you want a day by day armageddon experience..... Have you read the book? have you read the second book? this game is Day by Day armageddon..... Hes surviving... once he leaves his house he is always on the move. until i dont want to give details out for people that want to read the book. But this game is Day by Day.......
  4. you sir are awesome. havent seen anyone else even mention that book. I cant wait for the third one to come out later this year
  5. Yeahimh

    [VIDEO] "This is DayZ" - Ep 8 : Alt F4

    that mini map is him editing the video so you can see where he is. if you have a gps in game and you hit right ctrl +m it will open the gps in the lower right side of the screen
  6. Yeahimh

    [video] Stary Nuked! Hacker forgets helicopter!

    lol i like the instant open esc menu lol. but honestly that intro was awesome
  7. hey rampage add me too :D
  8. Yeahimh

    Help please

    So i got disconnected because of my internet and when i joined another game once the internet was back i was knocked out. I was fine with that but then i couldnt move except spin around in a circle. So i dcd again and rejoined and yet again i was knocked out. Im not in shock and im not hurt in anyway. Anyone know what to do ? Edit: no matter what happens when ever i log in i am knocked out
  9. Yeahimh

    Looking for group

    If anyone wants to group up add me on steam. Steam: Yeahimh
  10. Yeahimh

    Looking for groups/partnerships

    Sounds Great to me Critek. Add me on steam if you want to group up. Im tired of running solo
  11. Yeahimh

    Looking for groups/partnerships

    I'm new as well and every death has been two people gunning me down. I try to stay away from the major cities. I had an alice pack a tent, a 870 with a taclight and then two people came from nowhere like they just logged in or something. was funny cause i jumped in my chair when they started shooting steam: yeahimh
  12. Yeahimh

    Another New player question

    AHhh okay thanks
  13. So I've found a tent and I know how to pitch the tent but my question is when you pitch a tent when you log out does the tent spawn where it was when i log back in or do i have to pick the tent back up ?
  14. Yeahimh

    New player question

    Thanks for the info
  15. Yeahimh

    New player question

    I got hit by a few zombies while out gathering and I have only 5000 blood left. My question is how do you get your blood back up to normal so i can hear and see again?