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About Pochlaniacz

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  1. Pochlaniacz


    So.... Whats now? Is there any sense to play this mod? When i reading that all post from other player reporting cheaters i see they are still coming and just blowing all up, so i dont see any sense to play this mod for now untill Guys from DayZ make it more safer becuse if theres a lot of possibility they come back on server and again nuke me and other players and lost again all of equipment/etc i will be just be more angry. I see only one way just wait for new security updates for arma2/DayZ mod, but also im still waiting to get reply from any admin whats with that characters curently died, is any possibility to backup it? (i just have hope for) and what they will do with that all...? Ah and one thing, i readed that some cheaters got already banned. Its good thing, but they still can buy new arma2 and make kill players on servers so best way is update security... Regards Pochlaniacz
  2. Pochlaniacz


  3. Pochlaniacz


    BETA 93825 Server BattlEye validates users GUID before they're allowed to do anything. Older versions take a while to validate, so spoofing hackers can join and do nukes before they get kicked off. But what when if they buy orginall game and join into server make nuke go to other server and other other untill they get ban?
  4. Pochlaniacz


    what will that do?
  5. Pochlaniacz


    guess no but admin must reply about that what happend and tell us they backup our character or what.... :/ hope they do it asap
  6. Pochlaniacz


    Yes i like Steam games, i play lot of them like CSS TF2 GarrysMod Portal/2 or Dungeon Defenders Also i played lot of abp but when it was from EA Buyable - Lot of fun many things to do co-op with friends in mission and a lot more but now.....(i downloaded that gamefirst APB and played some days only) when it comes Free (gamefirst took this game from EA) it really baddly lot of lags some cheaters and that what i hate - if you want best guns pay money and kill everyone (like guy had gold silenced smg killed me with 2-3 hits like i must shot with good weapon 8hits) and also you must buy premium to get more things you can make in character..... so this today APB (i dont like this gamefirst apb :/ ) is tottaly not same game as When EA
  7. Pochlaniacz


    Iv just readed some about this and also my personality information - im playing a lot of games and i saw some working anticheats system like in Counter Strike Source Zblock/Detox(as i remember good names) mod on server that helping catch cheaters and banning them after discover Like that Arma2/Oa have Battle-Eye security antycheat system Valve have VAC Or other games may have PunkBuster or other
  8. Pochlaniacz


    I knowed about this forums(i started around 2weeks ago) becuse downloaded from main site dayz mod files and also readed saw Forum button so i get into and read some about recently updates etc. I never seen hacks/hackers in dayz. I created account on forum today becuse i had no reason until now to post anything. My main reason today was that what happend today me and others, and i wanted to report it and discuss about cheaters on this forum - i hope anti-cheat will be repaired and maybe Guys from Dayz backup our characters. Sory for my English Regards Pochlaniacz
  9. Pochlaniacz


    and also im with friends very mad about it becuse we had everything to have good live on dayz - nice equipment and guns.....
  10. Pochlaniacz


    Hello, 1minute ago on server dayz DE #30 iv played and someone droped nuke on map - on middle of screen was writed - thc-comunitty or something like that and i with friends flow up and saw nuke explosion and all we died on server! (screen you are Dead) Please for fast response and maybe backup our and other people on server characters becuse everyone died! (as i see 47players on server) Sory for my bad english Regards Pochlaniacz