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PK Richie

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Everything posted by PK Richie

  1. PK Richie

    Need help on getting my server to work

    Read your RPT log for what's went wrong, it contains all the info you need. Failing that reset back to default, do a change and test it, repeat until happy :)
  2. PK Richie

    Shouldn't I be getting MUCH higher FPS?

    Processor frequency isn't great, see how hard your CPU is running when playing, use task manager and you'll see it's maxed out. The ArmA engine is not really well optimised, you'll need a high end system to achive 60 FPS, but it's possible.
  3. Huh ? :huh: My PC runs 24/7 and i only restart for updates. My TV server hasn't been restarted in just over 2 years (uptime 781 days) because they don't need restarted.
  4. PK Richie

    Offensive Names

    Trolls will alwys troll, just ban their arse and be seen as a pro-active admin :) I can't see any reason action would be taking for removing trolls.
  5. PK Richie

    Are Donor Perks Legal?

    It's all down to how you word it, if you recieve perks through donating it's fine, If you blatently charge money for items it's selling, selling is against BIS TOS Servers have to be paid for somehow and they aren't cheap. BTW I don't own or run any Dayz mod servers, just adding my opinion :)
  6. SS are shite, always have been, I'm amazed they're still robbing trading :rolleyes:
  7. PK Richie

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    You never thought of moving your talent over to an ArmA 3 mod R4ZOR ? Start a new mod, can be zombies or dinosaurs etc :) Breaking Point is ok but choice is good, Epoch is coming soon (2 months) and there's always the make Arma not war contest, just a thought anyway.
  8. PK Richie

    Bad Admin -please remove him from Serverlist

    Never trust a new member who posts links to downloads :p internet lawz rule 101
  9. PK Richie

    What, exactly, is the point of this game?

    There is no end game, no quests or missions, you just have to survive for as long as you can :D Eventully there will be vehicles, more players, private and public hives where your character is saved, you will be able to build and so much more. Best thing you can really do is stop now and come back when the game is complete.
  10. PK Richie

    DayZ SA Server Questions

    You can also use the MOTD for that info :)
  11. PK Richie

    DayZ SA Server Questions

    As a server owner you can change the name of the server, change the timezone, start,stop or restart. That's it :) You can't ban hackers, people abusing chat or anyone doing anything they shouldn't There are no admin tools
  12. PK Richie

    Time to Release a Hotfix

    Just do what everyone else does and server hop, find a quiet server and get all geared up by jumping from one server to the next. Once fully geared up you can go torment people on full servers :( I'm not actully saying do that, it's just pissing me off when they do. Role on private hives :)
  13. PK Richie

    Dayz Epoch( some question)

    Latest patch caused all the plot pole issues, hotfix when released should fix or improve it, we'll find out when it's public.
  14. PK Richie

    Bug abuse

    We'll hunt him down and he will be punished :ph34r:
  15. PK Richie

    Dayz Epoch( some question)

    Plot poles in 1.0.3 have changed, you lose ownership after death so you have to pull them down (requires toolbox & crowbar) and plant again, for others to build Creature is correct, you have to tag friends and they have to accept, Q2 no idea what you mean, on my server plot poles are only 6 gold bars and all other building parts are cheap, to encourage epic bases being built.
  16. PK Richie

    banned from dayz-GNL

    It's a private server, appeal to the server admins directly, they probably won't read this. I can't see an admin banning you for cutting down a tree, if they have then you're best off away from that server if they can't read BE logs properly.
  17. PK Richie

    DAYZ sa maps

    Rocket said at first no, but he is a fan of modding so it will come one day.
  18. PK Richie

    You cannot play/edit this mission???

    It's because there are 2 versions of Taviana being used for Epoch, some use Taviana 1.0 (shit) and most use Taviana 2.0 (best) :) Make sure you have Epoch 1.0.3 and Taviana 2.0 from Dayz Commander, then in Dayz Commander click settings and under additional launch parameters add -mod=@Taviana That's it :D You're welcome to join my server for testing or for good if you're in the UK or Europe, add the following IP & Port in favorites
  19. PK Richie

    Epoch Error?

    suv_col was removed from 1.0.3, the server admin must still have it listed in the mission.sqm under addons. Find another server, try my Epoch Taviana if you want an updated and well ran server :) IP & Port You will need Epoch 1.0.3 and Taviana 2.0 installed, change your launch parameters to -mod=@Taviana in DZC settings
  20. PK Richie

    New DayZStats System

    Exellent work :D really like it Any way to get it to detect Epoch gear ? Unknown item: ItemHatchet_DZE; Unknown item: ItemKeyRed1578; Unknown item: ItemGoldBar;
  21. PK Richie

    Banned For Nothing

    Read This You or someone with your key hacked/scripted, the key is now banned, appeal if you want but your key is your responsibility so pleading innocent won't help.
  22. PK Richie

    Error battleye initialization failed?

    Try joining a server and wait in the lobby, don't join until you see the BE message and it should then initiate and update if needed.
  23. PK Richie

    Error battleye initialization failed?

    BattlEye installs when you install A2/OA but doesn't update properly until you launch the games once, run A2 and OA once on their own until you get the main menu screen. After that it should just work :)