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Everything posted by Nvalth

  1. Nvalth

    EU9 Admins are pussies.

    I was certainly cheating on the server too because I'm on the steam page....oh wait, I have never played on EU 9.
  2. Nvalth

    EU9 Admins are pussies.

    Using an exploit only leads to a DayZ ban I think, the global ban is issued after the use of a hack or anything similar.
  3. Nvalth

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Before it was too easy, the only fun I was getting was by doing runs in crowded cities or running on the NW airport with an ATV. I mean, I know the mod wanted to be ultra hardcore and I found it easy compared to my expectations. And more difficulty should reduce the deathmatching part (but still give room to our loved bandits :) ). It's my opinion, but the game was meant to be hard.
  4. Nvalth

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    I don't see it on the wiki : http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Equipment But it's a radio, I don't thing it gives you any edge so even if you have it, it will simply be removed (I think). Like said before, if you haven't spawned anything, then there is no risk. Well except if they find you all the time with non legit weapons (and it would only be a DayZ ban, not a BE Global Ban).