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Everything posted by Bradyyyyy

  1. Bradyyyyy

    [USG] is recruiting!

    Name (Screen Name) : Bradyyyyy Age : 14 Location (Country) : USA TeamSpeak: Yep Steam Name/URL: BradySlays Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): Sniper or Assault Average Hours Per Day: 7-10 Experience On DayZ: A lot. Not on this Steam acc but on my friends I used to play on. Other (If necessary): Swag
  2. DayZ Name : Rocky How long have you played DayZ : A month on my friends account and a couple of days on my account Time Zone: EST Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes, this will be my first group on DayZ but I am experienced with groups on other games and I have been in teams on CoD and BF4 What is your primary role requested?: Sniper