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Everything posted by AggressiveSkills

  1. AggressiveSkills

    The Fierce Marauders is recruiting players

    -In-Game Name and Teamspeak name: AggressiveSkills -How long have you been playing DayZ: I've been playing off and on for a few months. -What is your in-game activity like?: I enjoy building, going on serious missions, raiding enemy bases and picking combo locks. -Prefered Role/Skill: Combo-cracker/Soldier/Builder Just understand that I am not limited to only those things. I am capable of doing a job that may be handed to me. -What is your favourite weapon and vehicle in DayZ: Weapon: DMR/M110 Vehicle: Anything fast. Armored SUV. -About yourself(Age, where u from, languages u speak, etc..): 16 years old. I'm from Washington State. I speak english, and I'm in PST time. -Do you have TeamSpeak3 and a Microphone?: Yes.
  2. AggressiveSkills

    Brotherhood Of Steel Outcasts Recruitment

    Application: Name: AggressiveSkills Age: 16 Time Zone: Pacific Time Country: United States Are you willing to commit to the BOSO?: I'm not extremely active. But when I play, absolutely. Preferred Job: Soldier/Marksmen Why do you think you deserve to be in the BOSO: I'm a loyal person. I have leadership capabilities, and I respect my fellow clan members.