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Everything posted by ChainReactor

  1. ChainReactor

    Real life imitating art

    I can already see the trailer.... "The hero is being chased by a zombie, he runs for his life...." "He sprints into a fence" "He sprints into a fence" "He sprints into a fence" "He sprints into a fence" "He stops, then slowly vaults over the fence" "He starts running again" :)
  2. ChainReactor

    6 Heli Crashes on 1 server (0.52 Stable)

    The limit is 6. 3 UH crashes and 3 Mil crashes.
  3. ChainReactor

    6 Heli Crashes on 1 server (0.52 Stable)

    How do you think so? There is a tiny chance for the crashsites to spawn on spawnpoints so close to each others. ( which is actually higher than the posibillity that two helis spawn on one spawnpoint, which was found quite a few times until today )
  4. ChainReactor

    DayZ Vehicles (first implementation)

    5 spawning across 70 possible spawnpoints.
  5. ChainReactor

    shaking like crazy, cant stop

    To prevent freezing in the future, consider warmer clothing too. Wool coats or down jackets. As this is the christmas update, i am certain they set the ingame month to december again, Also keep in mind that the "Cold" status is not telling you that your character is freezing, but has a low body temperature. It's a medical indicator. You can totally freeze without "Cold" status, thats not bugged.
  6. ChainReactor

    The Ability to Pour Water

  7. ChainReactor

    Would you support a desicion to replace the Infusion engine?

    You seem to be pretty focused on VBS3. Keep in mind that engines don't come for free. If you decide to use a preexisting engine for a commercial product, you will have to pay quite some bucks for it. I dont have any numbers ready, but when a studio decides that is makes more sense economically when an entire team works over a year for a completely new engine instead of licensing a third party product, then I can imagine that it isnt that cheap. Also, VBS is not really made for the consumer mass market, costs a load of money and actually gets sold to armies. I'm not quite sure if BIS would give away licenses at all. To be honest, i actually highly doubt it. EDIT: Just found an example for a commercial use license for UDK ( Unreal Engine ) Link So, 99$ initial fee, first $50.000 of revenue for free, everything beyond that 25% of the total revenue. Put in DayZ's numbers and think again if it makes that much sense to license a third party engine when you have one from your own studio already.
  8. ChainReactor

    Would you support a desicion to replace the Infusion engine?

    Because DayZ get's developed by Bohemia Interactive. They have their own engine. So the devs use this as a basis and a framework to create Enfusion upon. I dont know if you got Hicks post right. Enfusion is not done, it's in progress. What they did with the RV2 Engine from ArmA is to strip it down to it's bare bones, threw in a chunk of placeholder systems and now replace those placeholders bit by bit with modules written from scratch and designed only with DayZ in mind. No matter what they add to the engine, they do it only with the set of features and gameplay mechanics in mind they want to have in their game. I think theres nothing better for the game than this. Patience, we still got a long way to go.
  9. ChainReactor

    Do we really need more zombies?

    You mean we should wait for the actual systems meant to be in the finished game that will replace the placeholder systems that generate the current zombies before we judge? Black, you're a silly, silly man! :)
  10. ChainReactor

    Free yourself from handcuffs?

    You have to keep on pressing A and D repeatedly.
  11. ChainReactor

    A Returning Players Thoughts

    I really don't understand why people call this a bug. From my understanding, it's completely normal that you have to set up a game on it's first launch, Neither is it really hard to figure out - wrong resolution set? Might check the video configuration menu.
  12. ChainReactor

    Do defibrillators even work?

    Hehe. He defib'd himself. Happens to the best.
  13. ChainReactor

    next wipe

    Noone knows, but it won't happen unannounced, since they don't do it to piss players off. I can't remember the exact time, but I think we got informed about the last wipe 2 or 3 weeks prior to the 0.49 update.
  14. ChainReactor

    next wipe

    Because the loot system has exactly nothing to do with a wipe? ( and actually, it is not that broken, it's mainly waiting for the advanced loot distribution system, thus an unfinished feature, not a broken one ) When they consider a wipe, they do it to get rid of duped items. Items, that should not be there in first place. So the one and only reason to wipe the database is when they fixed another method of duping.
  15. ChainReactor

    What causes Desync?

    Desync is a difference in synchronisation between the server and the player. It's can be caused on the client's end ( high ping, packetloss etc ) but mostly it is caused by the server being on it's performance limit, which is why high-pop servers desync faster than low-pop one's. It occours when the server has more stuff to send to the clients than it can calculate at the same time. This is when gunshots are missed, player and zombie positions don't update smoothly, hitboxes get stuck and items become unresponsive.
  16. ChainReactor

    Tired running around for trucks >=[

    Five, with 70 possible spawnpoints in 0.52
  17. ChainReactor

    Why is Bohema so bad when it comes to AMD?

    Intel actively stepped towards the devs at a very early stage in development to help integrating their architecture into the game. So it's not really Bohemias fault. Also, most Intel chips have a better single core performance compared to their AMD equivalents, which is what the game needs right now. They didn't. Noone said you would need a quad core. The system requirements recommend an i5-2300, which does not mean you'll need all it's features ( i.e. 4 cores ) but a performance comparable to it.
  18. ChainReactor

    Question about server restarts and resets

    At the moment, you have 2 character slots on the public hive: One for all third-person servers and one for all first-person servers. Once there is an experimental version again, you will have additional 2 characters for the experimental branch ( again 1st and 3rd person ). Those 2 (4) characters are saved individually. Private shard servers run an own database, so you will have one character on every private shard server. You can't transfer characters between different private shard servers or over to the public hive.
  19. ChainReactor

    Configuration of a gaming computer - Need help

    Please be aware that this is not likely to happen, doesn't matter how good your pc will be. The game is not optimized yet, so it simply won't make much use from your hardware.
  20. ChainReactor

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    But you also have to take into account that the scope of the project massively changed during it's early times and the team increased a lot, which also took time away from the actual development. I think the only person here on the forums that could give us an actual, reliable info about how long they are working on DayZ as it is now is Hicks.
  21. ChainReactor

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    Sup with all the pro devs in here today?
  22. ChainReactor

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    The first part of the quote above is true. The second part isn't. They redevelop actually the entire engine from scratch, and replace old engine modules bit by bit whenever a new system is ready to be implemented. This is actually the sole reason why you seem not to see much visible updates - we still are in a time in development where the main focus still is on developing basic game functionalities, which takes many months of time as i said before. The development and addition of cosmetic stuff is not detrimental to engine development as it is been done by different people. Artists are not programmers. By the way, they do not work on an old VBS-2 engine. VBS is done by Bohemia Interactive Simulations, not Bohemia Interactive. They started on a modified Real Virtuality engine from Arma2. But as i said, they redevelop most parts of it from scratch.
  23. ChainReactor

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    Well, noone said you should. Actually the only place where you can buy the game tells you not to buy it ( UNLESS.... ). Sure DayZ is obviously not finished yet. It will take roughly the same 3 years ArmA3 did because both titles are of comparable size. Development takes time, thats not a secret. If you don't want to have the experiences that you should expect during development ( bugs, unfinished content, problematic design descisions - we all know the text ), you should feel free to play a mod or another game. The reason there are still some issues from the ArmA2 Mod simply is that many systems are still the old ones very similar to their ArmA2 counterparts. Developing an entirely new zombie AI from scratch is not done in a couple of months. The biggest systems need the most time.
  24. ChainReactor

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    Because it's not the mod that runs smooth, it's the game that it is running on. You have to keep this difference in mind everytime you compare SA development to any of the mods.
  25. ChainReactor

    What rig do you need to play this?

    Yes they did. I would love to quote you something, but when Rocket decided to delete his Reddit account, he also decided to delete the single biggest first-hand knowledge base about DayZ, which was his post history.