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Everything posted by ChainReactor

  1. ChainReactor

    Status Report - 17 Feb 15

    Essentially it means that we can expect the blood regeneration rate to be nerfed notably in the next experimental update, probably along with increased blood bag / IV / test kit spawn rates.
  2. ChainReactor

    Gamma Problem

    Are you by any chance running the game in windowed mode? I had the problem in the past with a couple of games that they turned dark when i set them to windowed, and I never figured out why that happened.
  3. ChainReactor

    Barret 50. cal?

    Chris on .50 Cal guns: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/218619-about-weapons/?p=2198966 http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/218619-about-weapons/?p=2200651
  4. ChainReactor

    Expiremental problem

    There is no experimental version right now, both branches are on the same version, thus the experimental servers are down to prepare them for the next update.
  5. ChainReactor

    Comparing DayZ to similar games.

    This is the more important line. @Buck, optimization is usually a thing of the beta stage of a project. While we are in alpha, they keep on changing and/or adding to the code. Whit every change or addition, they would make any optimization work being done so far obsolete, which would not only be a waste of ressources, but would also add to the total development time of the game for no benefits at all when you look at the 1.0 version.
  6. ChainReactor

    No servers are popping up

    Reset your winsock Make sure to run CMD as admin and don't forget to reboot your pc after the reset.
  7. ChainReactor

    Black screen while game still running

    Sounds like your game has troubles with its graphic settings ( as you can hear the game running ). Locate your config file and follow the guidelines posted here
  8. ChainReactor

    Game no longer works in WinXP?

    The minimum requirements always stated Vista as minimum OS, so yes, it was to be expected that the game won't run on XP forever as development goes on.
  9. ChainReactor

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Remember what Brian tweeted the day 0.53 went live on experimental? Something like that the build will be hard on the servers because it inroduced a bunch of sanity checks and other server side stuff? It still might be from that since issues like door / wall clipping AI or zombies going invisible / hit you from afar always pointed out a performance problem.
  10. ChainReactor

    Which loot tables to believe?

    ( Believable ) Loot tables are not open to us anymore. You used to be able to datamine the gamefiles to see spawnrates and locations (the map providers used that data for their maps), but as 0.52 introduced loot control by the central hive, no file on your computer will tell the truth to you.
  11. ChainReactor

    DayZ.exe not a valid win32 app

    He still has a point. Software, or even general PC development would be significantly faster when developers of all kinds would not need to spend resources thinking about compatibility for a - lets say it this clear - outdated technology. As kilchi pointed out correctly, there are no upsides 32 bit brings.
  12. ChainReactor

    What do you want to see in .54

    3 out of 4 issues are related to server side performance, and I'm afraid this will be an ongoing thing as long as we are in alpha. The addition of features need additional performance too, optimizing it for us players right now would be pointless.
  13. ChainReactor

    I kind of did something...unspeakable

    Bambi Goreng
  14. Regarding the "no servers" issue, try resetting your winsock.
  15. ChainReactor

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    That's most likely their name for the prison island
  16. ChainReactor

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Any word what items are affected?
  17. ChainReactor

    Fix these two easy/small things and the game will be amazing

    Of course you could have not, you're just an average dinner to me, harr harr! Thanks, i appreciate your post dude :)
  18. ChainReactor

    Add more colors of spray paint

    From the dev subforum:
  19. ChainReactor

    Experimental Branch: 0.53 Discussion

    Those are actually all signs of desync and a bad client/server performance. Given that all exp servers where "fresh" last night, there's a chance that your end isnt running that well too, try to check that.
  20. ChainReactor

    Experimental Branch: 0.53 Discussion

    Got that tweet from Brian?
  21. ChainReactor

    Experimental Branch: 0.53 Discussion

    From what Brian told us in the last status report, 0.53 will go to stable as soon as they deem it stable enough. Might need a day of testing.
  22. ChainReactor

    Experimental Branch: 0.53 Discussion

    Just seen the prison island. Man, someone needs to give SenChi a lapdance for that jewel!
  23. ChainReactor

    Experimental Branch: 0.53 Discussion

    870,9 beautiful MB incoming. See you guys online!
  24. ChainReactor

    Status Report Highlight - 19 Jan 2015

    Thanks Septic, see you at the next experimental update night! :)