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Everything posted by ChainReactor

  1. ChainReactor

    Community Spotlight - 25 Mar 15

    Well deserved.
  2. ChainReactor

    My CPU is 180°F (85°C) HOT!

    Paste is nothing you save money on. It's THE main heat transfer between your CPU and the cooler. Do / buy it right once and don't be worried about it for a long time. Keep in mind that you could run the best cooler in the world, if your discount heatpaste is mostly made of toothpaste it won't do anything good. TL;DR: Don't try to save money on stuff that isn't expensive at all. Fluxley provided you some brands above.
  3. ChainReactor

    DayZ streaming issues; black screen

    Also make sure you have the anti cheat compatibility enabled in your game capture window's properties.
  4. ChainReactor

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    Whenever I get a Vybor spawn, I never find any pants. It looks so ridiculous to run around with high-cap, ballistic helmet, decked out AKM but no f*n pants....
  5. ChainReactor

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    Perhaps because a certain someone rather went to work while being feverish instead of staying at home, huh ? :)
  6. ChainReactor

    Watching you watching me?

    Qualyfiers will be on Sunday, 9PM GMT, the next finals will be in April. http://www.twitch.tv/survivorgamez And yes, a special build of the game was provided for SGZ. There are no plans to implement any special feature in the actual game. ( To understand this better: one of the inventors of the DayZ SurvivorGameZ is a guy called Brian Hicks :-) )
  7. ChainReactor

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    Would report later anyway, had one crash that fixed itself too today on the old build, but took the time to file a ticket. It's never bad to let them know :)
  8. ChainReactor

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/186540-my-dayz-crashed-what-do-i-do/ Please report crashes to the feedbacktracker, otherwise there is a chance they end up in the stable build and we get a build in need for a hotfix again.
  9. ChainReactor

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    My steam is down :(
  10. ChainReactor

    DayZ Painting by @Lucratea

    Talented girl, I really like her work. Though I like Eugen's work more :)
  11. ChainReactor

    Exp Update: 0.55.126866

    Keeeeeep in mind though guys, first iteration. No wonders, just a new system :) Proof me wrong, devs, please !
  12. ChainReactor

    Exp Update: 0.55.126866

  13. ChainReactor

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    Most likely the BE update that has been tested on experimental during last week
  14. ChainReactor

    Community Spotlight - 11 Mar 15

    Will be tough. RunningManZ, WOBO and SepticFalcon ... all my fav UK youtubers are competing.
  15. ChainReactor

    Community Spotlight - 11 Mar 15

    Well deserved. Congrats TRMZ!
  16. ChainReactor

    Typo in Elektrozavdosk?

    Wouldn't "Элeктpo" instead of "Элэктpo" make it "El-jectro" instead of "Electro" ? EDIT: Nvm, seems I was wrong: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elektrozavodskaya_%28Moscow_Metro%29 EDIT2: Pronounciation
  17. ChainReactor

    Dayz may have melted my gtx560m

    Did you assign DayZ to your dedicated card? NVidia control panel -> Manage 3d settings -> Program settings -> add DayZ and check if you can assign it to your GT540m
  18. ChainReactor

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    I think so as well. I mean, it's raining inside of vehicles, that shows that there still is some work to do when it comes to environmental effects.
  19. ChainReactor

    Bug... or was I shot...?

    Ladders and stairs are just mean. ( OP yes, most likely bug )
  20. ChainReactor

    Oh boy..hard to find...

    I think pickaxe and machete will open cans too
  21. ChainReactor

    Animals spin in one place. Humorous bugs FTW!

    This one is one of the funniest i've encountered myself ( not my video though, but the best perspective i could find, and everyone loves Team GEO :) )
  22. ChainReactor

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    Self explanatory :P But you can always backup your config first, a bit of science wouldn't hurt if you are still affected by issues.
  23. ChainReactor

    0.54 Issues

    Would just remove all of them. But if you are really picky, I'd definitely take out everything memory related, so the last three.
  24. ChainReactor

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    That depends on the caliber you use it with. I think you can fire 5 or 6 shots with .357, a Mosin will ruin it with one though-