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About LordMBarrow

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    On the Coast
  1. LordMBarrow

    DayZ "BattlEye initialization failed" [STANDALONE]

    Update: If I repeatedly try to connect to a server, 6-7 times it works, even when I get the error. I can deal with this but I'd still like some fixes!
  2. LordMBarrow

    DayZ "BattlEye initialization failed" [STANDALONE]

    Update: I can't play on it... It worked once. Making me think that BattlEye won't work, that's all. HELP D:
  3. LordMBarrow

    DayZ "BattlEye initialization failed" [STANDALONE]

    Update: I can play on one server, the GGM8 Community Fun Server. No idea why... For now though I'll play on that until this is fixed.
  4. So everyone seems to have 'fixes' however most of them consist of going to www.battleye.com and downloading the latest version. Every fix that people have given me (So far) haven't worked. Please help! This is the exact error. Help!!