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Everything posted by zoxintv

  1. The more attention we give to the problem, the more people will know that it ruins the game and that it has to stop. Ignoring hackers until they go away isn't a tactic, it's procrastination.
  2. Been compiling some fun times from DayZ lately and finally got some clips worth sharing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoLKS9FIg9s
  3. I walk these streets, a loaded six string on my back.
  4. And even though he broke my heart, he will always have a place in it.
  5. zoxintv

    Climbing out of larger windows

    So many parts of me want to say no to this, but I can't deny the fact that it may be a neat way to switch up some hold-up situations. I think the only way for this to work is to also have a window break with a semi-loud sound to make it an even trade-off for your quick escape. It doesn't even have to end there, though. Second story windows would also be interesting for escape attempts. Perhaps we could also use rope to create a way down from windows on higher floors.
  6. I don't know about you guys, but I don't always want to kill people when I'm playing DayZ. Just because I know how much it sucks to have to die, find out where you are again, regroup with your squad, etc., I don't always jump to kill on sight. Trying to hold up one or two players to interrogate them gets pretty risky, though. What I propose is that a non-lethal way to incapacitate players be implemented. I know that there are handcuffs, but carrying around three pairs of handcuffs to take down a group gets pretty insane if you ask me. Finding a tranquilizer gun would work the same way that finding a normal gun would; you'll still need to track down some tranquilizer rounds. This isn't just a lazy way of taking down enemies to loot them, it is still a painstakingly skilled hunt which can be even more dangerous in a situation where one group may be trying to kill you, while you're trying to keep them alive. Tranquilizer rounds don't just instantly put someone out of commission; you can continue fighting for a while after struck by a dart. Messages such as , "I'm getting dizzy" will be presented, along with minor initial damage from the round itself. After falling unconscious, you will be given a timer for when you will become conscious again. I'm hoping that something like this would allow for players to still experience the harsh realities of life in DayZ, without needing to worry about 100% chance of death when someone wants your loot from you. People don't usually steal all of your loot, right? Sure, they'll steal all of your ammo and your guns, but you'll still be alive and able to regroup with the rest of your tranquilized squad. Also, let's be honest, we could all definitely have some fun with tranquilized players. For real. Especially if we could have some kind of dragging/moving mechanic introduced for dead/unconscious bodies. I'm starting to ramble, but if any of you have more suggestions for non-lethal take-downs of players, post them below! I think this is something that definitely needs to be considered for the features of DayZ. Other ideas could include things like chloroform, a specific button for knocking/attempting to knock out someone out with your melee weapon or the butt of your rifle. Let's give people some kind of grasp that not everyone in DayZ is a murder dog, guys. What do you say?
  7. Never thought about this... Yeah, they should definitely be able to bleed out.
  8. zoxintv

    Regaining Consciousness

    Agreed. We should have the choice of what to do from waking up. Heck, I'd even take it a step further and say that we should be in free-look mode when we regain consciousness.
  9. zoxintv

    Tranquilizer Gun/Non-Lethal Take-Downs

    Yeah... A harpoon gun sounds just as non-lethal as a javelin through the chest, unfortunately. I like where you're going with that, though. The idea of being able to tend to wounds, ensure that gashes don't fester... I think this may be a bit too realistic in DayZ, though. No one wants to play medic as it is, to be honest, and it would take time away from the core ideals of the game as it stands today. I would like to see some more ways to take care of bodily harm other than bits of t-shirt and sticks, though.
  10. zoxintv

    View backpack contents

    Harsh, but true. If you're looking for a true, 1 to 1, life simulation, you're in the wrong place. This would destroy the game in such a painfully slow way that it'd be unreal. How do you determine how fast you take off your backpack? How do you determine the realism? I don't always take off my backpack at the exact same speed in real life, so how would you code in that kind of specific movement? If I'm in the middle of a chase, I want to sling off that thing super quickly, possibly even run with it in my hands. There are way too many variables, and it's overall just a waste of time; both on the development side, and the in-game implementation end.
  11. zoxintv

    Tranquilizer Gun/Non-Lethal Take-Downs

    Good idea! I still like the idea of tranquilizer guns, but a tazer would still be a great implementation for an opportunity for non-lethal takedowns in game. Even if you taze them a incapacitate them for a few seconds, that's plenty of time to run up and handcuff them while you control the situation. I would even like there to be the danger of someone's muscles spasming when they're tazed; they could swing their weapon once or twice, or their gun could fire off a shot while the muscles tense.
  12. A splint is a splint. A crutch is a crutch. Therefore, crutches are not implemented yet. Crawling on the ground with your leg broken is pretty dumb, let's all be honest here. I can't choose to limp? Like, come on. Even if hopping on that one foot runs me the risk of getting hurt more or taking more shock damage from the pain, I'd sure as hell take that over breaking my leg in the middle of a field without any bushes or trees nearby, then spending half an hour to freaking find a tree. And if you don't have an axe? Well, you might as well fucking kill yourself. +1, sir. You have my beans. We need something else besides falling down and saying that we can't get up like we're all feeble senior citizens with twisted ankles.
  13. zoxintv

    Remove magical weapon slots

    I could totally holster my SKS in my pants and just walk with one straight leg. That'd work for me. Realism in mind, yes. I would love to see this implemented. Bold choice if they do, however.
  14. zoxintv

    ethics of first kill

    Personally, I find that I try to keep as many people alive as I can. With that said, however, I always try to be the one in control of the situation. I have a total of 6 confirmed kills so far, with having encountered 9 people in total. My first kill involved me saving a fresh spawn form a zombie, followed by him punching me, telling me to kill him. He told me this was "the law of the jungle" for this encounter. Cracked me up a bit. Second kill involved my friend and I looting a building, when a player, who was also looting that town, waltzed in on us, panicked, and began swinging his baseball bat around at us. In the middle of the panic between the three of us, I accidentally killed my friend in the process. Two confirmed kills at this time, unfortunately. I then avenged his death (I guess) and killed the lone wanderer. Definitely didn't feel bad about that one; it was self defence. My fourth kill started with my friend and I exploring the supermarket one day, when we start getting fired at. We instantly shout "friendly!" at our attackers, and create a very hostile, shouting match with the players, ending with us all putting down our weapons for a chat. We befriend them and I drop them a morphine auto-injector as a sort of peace-token, I suppose. We part ways, but I'm skeptical, so I take cover in a nearby building, and get eyes-on with my scope to make sure we aren't being followed. I see them looking through the supermarket, then see one of them lay down on the ground behind a wall outside, so that I can only see one of his legs. My friend is telling me to take the shot, but I hold. I see the other player sneak over his friend's body, and notice that his friend isn't moving... And he's looting his friend! My friend's urging finally sinks in, and I make the shot. The player's body falls, and we move in to examine their loot. On the body of the player I killed, I find a defibrillator. I had killed someone trying to revive their unconscious friend (probably was hungry/thirsty or something, right?), and that was finally a kill that I had felt relatively bad about. Simply because we had already befriended these two moments before. My fifth and sixth kills involved my friend and I trying out a high-loot spot for the first time; the Northeast Airfield. In the process of our trek, we noticed two players running out of the hangers and made our first rash, cold-blooded decision; that this airfield was going to be ours, lest we die trying. We worked our positions, flanked where we could, I shot my friend a few times in the chest with a magnum by accident (I'm surprised he hasn't tried to get revenge on me yet), and claimed our prize. I'll honestly say that I didn't feel bad about these kills. These guys knew what they were risking when they came here; so did we. Every other player encounter has involved me controlling the engagement and getting players to put down their weapons, handcuffing them, and, if they look like a fresh spawn, checking their loot to make sure that there's nothing they can use to hurt me hiding in their inventory. I like to think that my cautious approach to the game has let me stay alive for this long; I've been playing DayZ for about 5 days now (approx. 50 hours logged), and I still haven't been killed yet. I mean, I did die, but only from the duplicate player spawn glitch that somehow broke my legs and killed me when I was already on the ground. Obviously, I haven't really counted this at a death. TL;DR - Either way, it's hard to tell what you should feel when you kill someone in DayZ. Do you want to play the game to be the strongest threat and to beat the rest in a competitive environment, or do you want to roleplay as if this is really what type of person you want to be in a zombie apocalypse? That's up to you.
  15. zoxintv

    Drag Dead Bodys

    I like it. On top of this, a fireman's carry for either unconscious or handcuffed players would be a great addition. You wouldn't be able to sprint, and your hunger and thirst would drain faster, but you could definitely do way more with this.