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Everything posted by jagdpanther

  1. jagdpanther

    Refueling a boat in water?

    You obviously have heard wrong. Water is meant to eat items.
  2. jagdpanther

    If You Could Add 1 Weapon to DayZ...

    Ruger 10/22 I ain't attracting any zombies when I fire that :D
  3. jagdpanther

    Comedy in this thread

    LOL. Nice kills.
  4. jagdpanther

    Buying Arma II

    Yeah it works.
  5. jagdpanther

    Buying Arma II

    You missed the amazon combine ops sale by about a day. I have looked at gamersgate, greenmen gaming, and other places but I have yet to find another sale. Sorry. Should have jumed on the bandwagon when it was on sale.
  6. jagdpanther

    Wind factor in Day z?

  7. jagdpanther

    You destroyed the Crossbow

    Before patch I was pretty sure it was taking me 2 shots to the chest to take down a zombie. Could be wrong though, I only used crossbow for a small 5 minutes to test it.
  8. jagdpanther

    Stop saying "Leeroy Enfield"

    Your being a complete fucking dick just because people give nicknames to weapons. QQ more
  9. jagdpanther

    Day Z amazing, Arma II poor interface

    The OP definitly doesnt understand what ARMA II is about. ARMA II is a MILITARY SIMULATOR, not a RPG. And the inventory system does its job for a military sim. Matter of fact you only open the inventory menu when you want to pick something up/drop something in arma. Which is quite rare due to the fact that you usually stick with that your kit has. You don't use inventory for anything else which is very unlike DayZ were somone has to use it very frequently to use items/sort.
  10. jagdpanther

    Weapon Damage

    I question that your hitting them with that many rounds and are getting 2 shotted by thier pistols. Even if there was lag, they would be unconscious usually with that firepower. I smell bullshit that they would turn and headshot you with thier pistols without dieing after. Your clearly doing something wrong, or lieing here.
  11. Your supposed to be able to block off people with wire. Thats the entire point. Or did you think placing wire was meant to look cool and your supposed to be able to phase through them. Get a kit and cut the wire. Now on the server switching crap, that is a unfortunate issue.
  12. There are way too many CZ550s in the game. Scoped weapons make PVP easemode for noobs. CZ550 is easily the most powerful noob camp weapon. Should be a bit more rare.
  13. jagdpanther

    My suggestion for bandit "problem"/ griefers

    What? So newbs can get mowed down by a NVG M4 wielding guy? With the current system they actually have a chance. All they have to do is get out of the spawn killzone. After that a incredibly stealthy player can kill fully equipped players. Which is the way it should be. Survival of the fittest. This idea is absolutely retarded.
  14. jagdpanther

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    12 FPS here. I think I will sit out until fixed.
  15. jagdpanther

    All vehicles broken?

    The ones that don't require fixing are the ones you steal :D
  16. jagdpanther

    Takistan map?

    Takistan would be different. Hot days cold nights. Alot more opportunities to snipe people at 800 meters.
  17. twinkey dont got shit on honeybun you have been reported to the internet police
  18. jagdpanther

    HA - Taking down a four man squad - Video

    The video taker definitly made some mistakes, but in the end you did come out victorious with no losses. But to be honest the group you ambushed seemed a little dumbfound in that situation, I mean they seemed absolutely retarded in their reaction. Theres no way you can say that they had any leadership or sort of collective thinking. I mean really they get shot at and just sit there in the open not knowing what to do. Then two of them go around and stand in the open taking shots right next to eachother. One of them gets killed, then the second is stupid enough to attempt to loot him in the open. I mean come on. They had the average IQ of like 36.
  19. jagdpanther

    I just have to ask

    When I have a great setup ive been working on, I tend to shake in PVP moments. Even when I am the one with the tactical advantage(initiating the ambush)
  20. jagdpanther

    Perceived usefulness of Weapons.

    Personally I think winchester is a great economy gun, but I think I will stick with my AKM. Sure its louder, but with it I can take targets out targets at range easier than a winchester, I can surpress targets when im with a team, and I can shoot at a much faster rate then the winchester. Oh and I have a 30 round clip. I am currently carrying 10 mags for the AKM. It is extremely plentiful. Not to mention the rounds are damaging like the winchester slugs. I actually think the AKM does more damage than the winchester. They both 1 shot zombies though. In the end, the AKM is pretty good for fighting players and zombies. Now, if I had a AK74, that may be a different story. The AK74 does much less damage than the winchester, so it requires 2 shots to down a zombie. It also only makes a bit more sound than the winchester. Its ammo is also alot harder to find. You really have to make sure you time your shots. Its NOT a economy gun like the AKM or the winchester. While on the plus side like the AKM it shoots quite fast. It also sports really good acc, but unfortunatly it doesn't have adjustable sights like the AKM. So in the end the AK74 and its variants are good for killing players, but it seems to lack a bit in the zombie killing department. I'm sure the M16s/M4s are in the same department as the AK74. All Military snipers are better for PVP then killing zombies. Just like the CZ except with more rare ammo. Thats pretty obvious.
  21. jagdpanther

    Rocket/missle attack in cherno?

    Most likely a hacker spawned a katyusha(rocket arty) and is randomly shooting at cherno. The chances somone has enough legit satchels/rpgs to create this without hacking is extremely extremely extremely low. Even a 15 man group searching all military spawns for 10 hours proboly wouldn't find this much stuff.
  22. jagdpanther

    Amazon Arma2

    No. Rocket said himself that he is a avid hater of amazon after they shipped a order of pepsi to him 1 day late. He was enraged by the ordeal and actually coded DayZ to corrupt versions bought from amazon.
  23. jagdpanther

    The Tale of the Naughty Bandit and his punishment

    LOL! This is great!
  24. jagdpanther

    Death By Laddar!?

    You need to have a primary weapon out when you go up ladders. But im not sure why you would die from that 3 times now. If it didn't work the first 2 times, then chances are the third wouldn't.