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About SikMindOfHoskins

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. SikMindOfHoskins

    Im In TeamSpeak Bro! (Kappa)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ebpxyz8oduk But bro. Im in Teamspeak!
  2. SikMindOfHoskins

    Gearing Up In Seconds(Stream Highlight)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKc4gP8PG38 So I was just killed in Berezino. Got a Berezino spawn and ran back to the police station where I had originally died.
  3. SikMindOfHoskins

    The Shoe Store

    Thanks man!!
  4. SikMindOfHoskins

    The Shoe Store

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F68YOhI1g70 My software to record and edit just isnt holding up anymore. Not sure what the problem is or why the quality has become so bad. Any suggestions? But enjoy the vid. Had a great time making and recording. So many great interactions.
  5. SikMindOfHoskins

    Axing Geared Players

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wa8E52Oe6Y4 Hope you enjoy. Make sure to watch in 1080p!
  6. SikMindOfHoskins

    So my friend got sniped in novo. Would you run or try to hunt him down?

    Hunt him down....weak men run.
  7. SikMindOfHoskins

    Getting flashed....but getting the kill. (Press Vest Still in game?)

    Im guess your theory on the flash bang is correct. I think he would have rushed me if he didnt get flashed himself. Im sure it will be fixed in the future.....a very distant future...seeing how the development of this game is so slow.
  8. SikMindOfHoskins

    Rounding up survivors at Novo tower

    Enjoyed the video.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYGgFkZOses Pretty sure he flashed himself too. Make sure to watch in 1080p. Also the guy had a PRESS VEST on. Thought they took them out of the game?
  10. SikMindOfHoskins

    Teaching A Twitch Streamer How To Play DayZ

    Me teaching her how to play DayZ. I coudlnt play for long, and unfortunately I wasnt recording. :( .... Put on my Russian accent and went to work...I know. Worst Russian accent ever.
  11. SikMindOfHoskins

    Catching Bambi's Part II Trailer

    Haha for sure man!! Love playing w/ different people. Always a different experience.
  12. SikMindOfHoskins

    Catching Bambi's Part II Trailer

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tXPsM-6xoE Part II trailer. We have some footage, but w/ the constant server resets...its so hard to get actual good footage of this. Several times, we have been right in the middle of either, uncuffing a bambi or pulling the bag off there head while being in a huge firefight and the damn server resets. So hear is this for now. Hope we can finish this soon. LOVE YOU ALL.
  13. SikMindOfHoskins

    Catching a bambi ...Giving them loot....My Gawd...

    Haha yeap. DayZ karma at its finest. Sniper on the coast.
  14. Part 1 of 3. Hope you all enjoy. I know I know...really stupid of us to keep him on the road. But time was short. Ahhhh Part 2 coming this weekend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1Koxul7eaI