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Everything posted by lastwolf

  1. Hello guys, i was passing by the rocks near to Svet, when sundly my char bugged out and i fall inside the rock and my leg broke, now i cant go outside and i dont know why, my char dont starve to death, he still energized and hydrated for like 5 hours up till now. Cant respawn, cant suicide what should i do?? Gave up? My print screen isnt working either :/
  2. lastwolf

    stuck inside a rock, leg broken, cant die

    sry, i was on a trip after a post here, so, no one can save me inside, because im stuck inside the rock, i called some friends butt nothing :/ i will try dayz support
  3. lastwolf

    stuck inside a rock, leg broken, cant die

    i left dayz open for like 5 hours, but im still energyzed and hydrated, nothing change, and im stuck inside the rock, cant do anything at all :/