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About WashedUpPoet

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    Palma/ spain
  1. WashedUpPoet

    Any Irish Pc gamers out there, Need some Help!

    Thanks for the tips IrishRoy the i5 3570 was actually what i was looking at, Good point about the i5 3570(k), worth getting it if i was ever to get into OverClocking in the future, good to keep options open like that for the sake of 5 euro. I Planned to go for 8gb of ram, I read somewhere that with Ram (2x4gb) is better that 8gb, is this true? Not taking into account it obviously takes up more space on your Mobo for extra ram you may want to add in the future. What is your Opinion on second hand parts? are some ok and others a NO GO! or should they be avoided altogether.
  2. I'm looking into Building a medium end Desktop for Dayz, Any of you Lads from Ireland be able to tell me the best way of going about it, Is there any Particular website our store back home worth taking a look into? I'm finding that the parts In the UK/ Ireland are quite expensive compared to America and the likes, Is it worth ordering from Abroad, Has anyone tried this and if so was there High tax on the components? Lastly This is my first Time trying to build a Desktop , I have been filling my brain with this techno mumbo jumbo and I'm just about starting to get the basics of it. Here are a few main components I'd like to see in the build but are subject to change. CPU = i5 GPU = gtx 770 Motherboard = asrockz77 extreme 4 Any suggestions fire them my way, Hope to spend between 600-800euro (not including monitor keyboard/mouse)
  3. WashedUpPoet

    DayZ Zombies, an attempt to diagnose the zed condition

    its simply Bathsalts
  4. WashedUpPoet

    I Give You My Word - TLa Gameplay

    By the way I like how you give them the choice to walk free in the end, Nice outcome , Makes for a great DayZ story, All that extra tension .
  5. WashedUpPoet

    I Give You My Word - TLa Gameplay

    It's a pity to hear that, maybe in the future come closer to release people will have moved on from 3rd person. I've no doubt we will have more people playing DayZ, so simple put more people, higher population on each type of sever. I image 3rd person will probably always be the dominant play style though, Vigilante's points are 100% spot on, there is very little to debate on the subject, he really nails it. Doesn't change the fact people tend to prefer 3rd person. Hopefully it gives people an incentive to give Hardcore a go, If it does just that, Success! Vigilante is actually my favorite DayZ youtuber, Love all his videos, When I first watched him I thought he was quite cocky, I kept on watching his videos though and realized I agreed with practically everything he talked about , He has a very cool calculated approach towards things and looks at both side of the fence on most subjects, never jumping to conclusions. Refreshing to watch.
  6. WashedUpPoet

    I Give You My Word - TLa Gameplay

    Nice video, love checking out TLa's vid's, pretty good stuff. I wonder how that situation would have panned out in Hardcore. could be a bit risky popping your head around that corner.
  7. WashedUpPoet


    Point taken, See a few posts on it, Time to kill this tread then.
  8. WashedUpPoet


    Forgive me if this has been brought up before but what about cannibalism, has there been talk of introducing it into the game. I think it would make for a rather interesting feature, being able to cook up the remains of your dead friend/Victim. I think the option to Chow down on some human flesh would make for some pretty heated moral debates in game. I'm sure Mr. Moon would find a way to fit it into one of his darker video's. And lets be honest, it's not a post- apocalyptic setting without out a bit of cannibalism, It's a Dog eat Dog world out there. Let me know what you think, POet out.
  9. WashedUpPoet

    Food as Currency

    I gotta say I Love the shop Idea, think that sounds pretty plausible.
  10. WashedUpPoet

    Food as Currency

    Sorry Homie but I have to disagree with most of what you said. On paper I do believe this idea works, My question to you is why on earth would you trade your last remaining bit of food if you knew you hadn't any spare. The idea of a trade is that both parties end up with something they need from each other of generally similar value. Its down to the traders to decide if they want to make a loss for an item. having a value for each item would also make trading easier , take for example you want to trade a Pistol worth say a can of beans and i want to trade an axe worth a can of beans, That would be a fair trade no food needed for the transaction. Remember I Use food as a guildline , It's just an idea I'm playing with. I don't believe the developers should implement it into the game , I'd like to see it happen throughout the Dayz community naturally. Back to your point about said trader #1 now shooting said trader #2 in the back. Just silly, why would you give away your only gun to someone you don't know ? If you needed the food that bad then ok, but in that case you were going to die regardless so it was worth the risk. Please don't use the excuse that trade won't work cause it will only turn into a gunfight, I think that it's impossible to predict an out come, we know there is dicks out there , Nice one for pointing out the obvious , next time learn to trade smart, simply travel with a partner or insure guns aren't drawn, Maybe try not trading your only gun and ammo "DUHHHH" . If you really think that people can't actually coexist and simply Barter goods In Dayz, that things will continue to go the way they are where KOS is the norm then why don't you un-install Dayz already cause it sound like its going to be a pretty shit game.
  11. WashedUpPoet

    Food as Currency

    sounds horrible, I cant wait.
  12. WashedUpPoet

    Meaningful Customization - II: Temperature and Wetness

    really like it, not overly complex but still adds a lot of dept and realism. Fresh ideas.
  13. WashedUpPoet

    Food as Currency

    I can't argue that KOS does cause problems, but this is something that will be present throughout DayZ for good, its a part of the game that cant be removed without taking away key features of the game. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't still encourage and work towards actually bartering/trading between characters, this Topic was to talk about peoples ideas or suggestions, not about how KOS and its destructive nature.
  14. WashedUpPoet

    Food as Currency

    That's what I'm talking about dude, of course it wont work right now in Alpha for a number of reasons but in the future once the build is finished its possible.
  15. WashedUpPoet

    Food as Currency

    I suppose what I'm trying to say is there needs to be more focus on Food/water in Dayz and its importance to surviving. If this was the case food would become common form of currency. An example would be that say I meet you and wanted to buy your M4 , now your already geared up, so you don't need any of my items and the ammo I have doesn't suit your gun. Food would be the only thing worth trading for you cause you can use it to trade off again or eat later yourself if you need it.