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Everything posted by Bathamel

  1. I have heard that zombies often brakes you arm without being shown in inventory. Morphine helped me out aswell. But its still big sway right after you have done some running ;)
  2. Bathamel

    question about the cz 527

    I found one in the " darkbrown barn" the ones with concrete floor without any interior, Goodluck with your hunt mate!
  3. Thank you very much for making this video! I have not lost anything before and now i know how to keep it that way!
  4. Bathamel

    A safe place - RP-ing a mute guy

    Nice! I found it very hard to trust other players, therefor I always try to avoid them as much as possible. Is the players on HC servers more frendly? or is it the same amount of knockdowns or KOS? In near future i will try a HC server and check out myself, I like to think there are more adult players hanging out there.
  5. Bathamel

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    Have you guys also beeing able to keep your secondary primary weapon "hidden" but seen in your inventory? I had it in my hands when logged out, and the next day i logged in I first thought it was gone. But like i said above i saw it in my inventory. Same for you? :) Sorry for bad english, both hangover and typing from phone :P ...
  6. Bathamel

    My games settings are all jacked up?

    I had the same problem after a crash, Defult did not help either.. Have you tried to manually put the aspectratio from 4:3 to 16:9? and if the resulotion also is wrong, try under interface option. And check if its set on low.. you need to restart the game before it takes changes.