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About guilau

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. guilau


    Found a lot around police stations on the south coast yesterday. Maybe they are rarer in the north compare to other types of bullet since the patch to make us try the new guns? I'm on my way to North on hardcore ; maybe I'll find a difference
  2. guilau

    I have an Ak101... what now?

    Ak101 are using M4 bullets intead of SKS bullets. So for me and my friend, one having AK101 and the other having a AKM allows us to easy split bullets loot. I find the AK101 to be more precise imo
  3. guilau

    Sniping is a cowards technique?

    I think sniping and KOS are being mixed up in this thread. Sniping is a tactical choice and are necessary when playing in group. And when playing alone, I prefer Mosin with LRS to be able to spot threats from far away (eitherzombies or people) And, to be a real man, you only need a Y chromosome! :P
  4. Wow! Should I get my popcorn to watch the flame storm coming from those suggestions?
  5. Successful troll is successful... I guess I won't comment again after this. This forum isn't biased or censored. It's just not the place for BattleEye complaints. Might be why we don't see your kind that often ; other people must be inquiring directly with BattleEye And, with the kind of time I pass on Dayz and medias related to Dayz ; if I can't see rampage, I'm just gonna assume there's no rampage. I might as well go as far to think that you present your problem as generalized to disculpate yourself from any responsibility.
  6. Is there an army of people being banned for no reason? The answer is no. At the moment, I only see you claiming being banned for no reason. Without commenting about your specific problem, I think "rampage" is a bit of an overstatement. BTW, I saw in other games that third parties remapping your keyboard was considered hacking. What I'm saying is that any other software impacting the rendering of the game can possibly be considered as hacking. And like any kind of law in real life, you can't claim ignorance : not being aware of a law can't protect you against the consequences of breaking that law.
  7. guilau

    End game content?

    That's the nature of a sandbox. Your limit is your imagination.
  8. guilau

    Suicide Option?

    Stopped reading there. If you don't want to play the game ; well just don't!
  9. guilau

    Force shadows on client

    The parameter in configuration is on your pc rendering. To put off shadows do not make yourself immaterial ; you just don't render shadows on your client so YOU can't see them. I will still see your shadow if m y configuration has shadows on...
  10. guilau

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    Movies, theaters, Eiffel Tower, Sistine chapel, Sphinx, Grece Pantheon... All art that required tens, hundreds or thousands of people and had to follow logic of architecture and precise plans. A video game is of form of art in my humble opinion This^
  11. guilau

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    Huh, no I won't, I'm not sure I get all of what that guy said and didn't even commented on his statement. Let me correct that for you: "I'M not sure I get what you're saying, could you re-phrase it please?"
  12. guilau

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    Well, F-35 have been buyed by several countries and it's not finished yet CSeries from Bombardier were sold before the planes could even fly. I pay upfront work on my house should I continue? If you're not the type of person to buy upfront for not finished/undelivered stuff....well just don't! It's not like Dayz wasn't advertised as an unfinished game.... Oh,yeah, almost forgot : "Haters gonna hate, don't feed the troll and all that kind of stuff"
  13. guilau

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    I loled a bit to this. So, if I get your point, Dayz is a bit fatty with huge glasses and braces, but on her way to be the total babe on her 10 years Highschool prom reunion. VS other games that were like the Highschool queen that, 10 years later, has hips larger than my computer desk.. *cough *cough Diabl*cough *cough Disclaimer: All those reference where purely made in a humor attempt. No insult were intended to any game or person. All references in this statement are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
  14. guilau

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    Actually, if I recall correctly (correct me guys if I'm wrong). They didn't want to release the Alpha at the beginning ; it's the community that insisted. And, I'm convinced I saw a thread on reddit or on other media where Rocket answered to the question "Should people buy Dayz SA Alpha?" and his anwser was a big NONO.
  15. guilau


    Instead of being that condescendant, you can always debate in a civil manner. Your opinion is not THE opinion. I don't get why every debates on the internet go sour... I agree that material being crushed absorb some of the impact and some material as styrofoam, but not all and certainly not enough to protect from concussion 100% of the time. This article is about NFL helmet, but still have good info: http://www.fastcodesign.com/1671752/why-nfl-helmets-will-never-be-concussion-proof And I quote this part about physic: "The problem is ultimately one of physics. All helmets work under the same principle. The force striking one’s head--acceleration mixed with mass--can’t actually be prevented. Physics says that energy has to go somewhere, right? What good helmets do is lengthen the duration of the impact itself (in the hundredths of a second range), reverberating energy through various structures and materials, to smooth a hit from a sharp, high-g strike to a relatively smooth curve of deceleration. " All this depends of the material (the game is in some poor place in Russia isn't it, I don't think every helmet found there are worth hundred of dollars), the force applied and the point of impact. Agreed that it offers some protection against concussion, but the main task of those helmet is to protect your skull. And military helmets offer no where that kind of protection btw. So, yeah, the helmet offer protection Oh, and this http://gizmodo.com/5988651/this-motorcycle-helmet-will-help-reduce-concussions and I quote again: "We've shown you 6D's new helmet technology before - elastomeric dampers absorb the forces of low-speed impacts, an area where traditional styrofoam-and-shell helmets fail - now, that function is better explained in this new video." And finally, heres a chart of different motor cycles helmet including a brand new one that is suppose to be a revolution in concussion, the 6d's previously quoted (Note: a new one, not existing in the game) http://i.i.cbsi.com/cnwk.1d/i/tim/2012/12/14/lowthresholdenergy.png You will notice that they all get to the concussion level. No hard feelings and I'll be happy to continue debate with you. In conclusion, I think it's impossible for helmet to offer 100% protection against concussion. That it offers more portection than a naked head, I agree. That's why it should take around 2-4 punches instead to one punch to KO a player with a motor cycle helmet (again military ones aren't the same kind of helmet and won't protect as much against Gs.