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Dreganius (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dreganius (DayZ)

  1. Dreganius (DayZ)

    New players guide from Bandit point of view

    Good guide, but I'd like to add on something to the do not run rule. If you're being sniped at, you're going to avoid being hit a lot easier by sprinting as unpredictably as you can. It's much harder to snipe someone who is running around, changing directions and running behind small bits of cover all the time than it is to snipe someone who's fastsneaking. 'course, if you're being sniped at, the first shot has to miss otherwise you're in trouble.
  2. Dreganius (DayZ)

    How many have actually ever found a legit Heli?

    Found heaps of Helis. Have repaired four of them to full working order. Hackers/Bugs/Other players are responsible for our first three losses. ...The fourth was the fault of too much alcohol in one of my friends. Protip: If you can get your hands on a vehicle, you can gather all the required equipment, and drive it all to the Krutoy Cap lighthouse, swim over with a mate guarding the truck, and see if anyone else has left a boat there, as well as check to see if the heli has spawned there, if anyone's left tents there, etc, etc...
  3. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Anyone else have "oh no, not HERE again?!" place?

    Head north from Kamenka to Zelenogorsk, Stalker.
  4. Dreganius (DayZ)

    and how would u get to know me

    Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate. If ya can, getm ova an we'll avagoodwun late one arvo, t'll be a ripper
  5. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Fun thing to do in dayz

    Nice avatar you got there. Mind letting me know where you got it? >.>
  6. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Rocket: Losing faith.

    Impatient people like you are the cancer of indie games everywhere. I don't normally say this, but if you want a swiftly made, slapdash game, go play CoD. You claim to know what Alpha means, when you obviously don't, considering your reasoning behind your frustration is 'things that should be fixed'. You also state that these issues should be fixed, when they aren't really a major issue in Alpha. A very basic rule of games development is to block things out and then give them more detail. In short, get your desired features in first, then focus on fixing them up to a polished level once you've got it all in. Getting everything in is Alpha. Fixing is Beta. The game is being developed by Rocket and his team the way they want to develop it. They handle things the way they want to handle it. You are not developing the game, and thus, it is not your choice as to how things are handled, but that of Rocket and his team. If you do not like the choices they have made, you are not obligated to stay by any means. If you don't want to buy the standalone, that's fine too. It'll still sell well due to the amount of people who are patiently awaiting the release once the devs feel that it's ready. For people who want a polished, well-made, finished product that was made just how Rocket's team wants it, we will wait, and we will enjoy the standalone just how it is. And, finally, you are not entitled to any level of expected quality, such as that in a fully working, released game, as you haven't actually purchased anything (beyond ARMA2, which cannot be held accountable for your disappointment).
  7. Dreganius (DayZ)

    My Bean bring all the boys to the yard

    Sweet seaweed slayer, I can't believe I didn't recognize your avatar until now >.< Bye-bee :3
  8. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Mountain Dew seems to have the opposite effect for me. I drink them the moment I find them and Zeds seem to try and avoid ME.
  9. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Global banned!!

    I... I don't know what message the OP is trying to convey. Is he even speaking English? >.<
  10. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Can I have this loot?

    Well, if you take it, you're further causing more issues with spawned/duped weapons. However, it's at such a stage now that there's (hopefully) going to be a Database wipe before the standalone release, because overall it's messing up the alpha testing. On the other hand, is there an AN-94 Akaban? Cos I'd totally take that, hacked or not, simply because Akaban <3 (Note, I wouldn't take any other hacked weapon, but the Akaban is seriously my favourite gun :3)
  11. Dreganius (DayZ)

    My Bean bring all the boys to the yard

    As am I, Plank. As am I.
  12. Dreganius (DayZ)

    AS50 Near Death Experience

    Not 100%, rolemodel. I turned a sniper team into an extraordinary lootpile the other day. Funny story, actually. I was running to Stary to meet up with my friend, 20 people on the server, had nothing of *real* importance on me (AKS-74U, and a Revolver, no NVGs/high tier tools/loot/ammo) when suddenly, I hear a car. Immediately charging for a nearby treeline for cover, a sedan comes screaming down the road before swiftly stopping. Three ghillied players got out. Two of them with AS50s, one with a DMR. They took a few shots at me just before I hit the treeline, but since they didn't really have much time to take aim, they missed. Not having anything really worth much to lose, I decided to try and fight back instead of run. My heart was pounding so hard as I ran from tree to tree, wall to wall, trying to inch myself as close as I could to my attackers while still remaining hidden enough not to be shot. They fired, again and again, and I had no idea if any of the shots were close, but I was alive, as close as I could be to them without running out into the open. One of the guys with an AS50 decided it'd be smart to try and kill me from up close with his PDW. I saw him coming, of course. This was a third-person enabled server, and in a situation like this, there's no chance I wouldn't use it to my advantage. I waited on the floor, peering down the iron sights of my AK-SU, as he was about to come into line of sight. Movement, slightly to the left. I opened up, firing 10 rounds into the bush, and enough shots connected to flesh to kill the guy. He was a clanmember, on his home-server. Irony. Instead of looting the corpse, which I could have done easily, I had a better idea. I reloaded, and guessed that his teammates would be watching where he died, expecting me to loot, so instead I crawled up the hill again a bit, behind a wall. Moving up further, out of sight, I was certain they were still watching around where there mate died, instead of watching up the hill a bit more. I was right. Crouching behind a shrub, and peeking to the side over the fence, I switched to semi and quickly assessed the situation. DMR in front of the car, watching where his mate died. AS50, behind the car, also looking in that direction. No clear shot on the AS50 guy, but I could see him through the windshield. I took aim, and fired three shots at the guy with a DMR. First shot missed, the guy turned and ran towards the car. Second shot hit his body, he proned or fell unconscious. The third shot was a headshot. Another clanmember died, just next to the car. The third guy, obviously panicking, forgot all about his two dead friends, and instead got in the car and drove away to the Northeast. I took a few shots at him, and think I might have hit him, as blood was spraying out the door, but the car was faster than I was and was soon out of my sight. Searching the corpses, starting with the one in the open, I got myself a nice DMR, NVGs, pair of GPS, supplies, etc. I looted the guy in the open first, as after patching himself up the third ghillie might decide to come back. Looted the first guy I shot, then continued east to Stary. I loot extremely fast, immediately categorizing things as I want them and taking them without delay, hiding the rest without thought. It's good to do the same, never know when you might need to loot fast then gtfo :P Anyway, moral of the story: None of them alt+f4'd, not even after a 3v1 turned to shit. Not even the one I shot twice before killing, and there was plenty of time to alf+f4 in that time period after the first and second. The third guy didn't either, but then again, if he did alt+f4, their car would have been all mine, along with his friend's itinerary.
  13. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Logged off on a bike

    You could ask a DayZ Team member to be reset to bean coast in the Support section. Or you could just wait until someone snipes you.
  14. Of course it was a trap. I don't really speak like that, check my post history :P
  15. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Not all hackers are bad

    I support all script kiddies in DayZ, whether malicious or not. Want to hack in DayZ? Do it. Do it now. Why do I support skiddies using scripts right now? Because, that way, when the game is completed and has made its standalone release, THEY WILL ALREADY BE BLACKLISTED FROM THE GAME. Genius.
  16. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Hacker accusing me and mates of hacking.

    qqing 'hacker' got butthurt, by the looks of things.
  17. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Why the radio silence?!?

    I applaud you, Rocket, for the way you've managed not only the mod/game itself, but the community, and the workload itself. Even if thousands of players ragequit due to being impatient, you'll still have your dedicated players, and those who actually understand the difficulties in not only games dev, but PR. The opportunity to kick it with the Gaming Fatcats is a glorious one, so pick at them brains like you've contracted a rage virus.
  18. Cookieihd cannot into reading. First three words in OP's post: "I've tried flushing." Goddamnit OP you just invalidated my post by posting seconds before me xD
  19. omg i got so much god stuf frm dis ty ily olololol
  20. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I wish I knew man. The only theory I have sounds almost ludicrous, but what with the green light and fact that I became ill, radiation could be a possibility. I shall go back to Black Mountain and try to investigate further, as I died recently from joining a populated server and getting hit by a car seconds after my character finished setup -_- EDIT : This just in: New life, found a Coyote and an AK74, then I get possessed by Slenderman and upon reconnecting, I spawn on the beach with nothing. :< http://cloud.steampo...44064B7888F3C3/
  21. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Day Z Urban Legends

    So, got more strange phenomena happening at the Green Mountain. This time, it was my friend, Goof, and myself. It wasn't as scary as it was unsettling, but I made it out alive, albeit with a cold. Got a few screenshots to accompany. So, it started off with my friend, Goof, repairing a UH-1H Huey on TH1. I was at Berezino, grabbing some extra fuel for it. Goof flew the Huey to the northern forests, landing in a surprisingly small clearing. Such a show-off. I filled the fuel tank up a bit more, and got on board. After joyriding for a while, scaring a few people in Cherno into hiding (Alt+F4), Goof and I then decided to check out Green Mountain while we had adequate equipment to survey it from multiple angles. The risk of a helicopter, a friend, an M14, and an SVD were secondary thoughts in my head when I entered. That said, I have fun re-gearing, but I digress. Goof dropped me at the edge of the mountain's treeline, east of the radio tower. I ventured into the forest at a brisk pace, constantly moving should anything jump out at me. Watching every angle, I moved swiftly and silently through the trees, approaching the clearing in which the so called 'radio facility' was constructed. The first possible eerie thing in what could be considered a swiftly escalating chain of events began with this little piggy, who was running straight up the road, directly away from the radio tower. It didn't change direction once in the entire time I watched it. Continuing onwards, I began to close in on the front gate while Goof soared overhead, and I advised him to keep a better distance. I've read the stories about helis exploding completely randomly and I wasn't willing to take unneccessary chances at this point. Shit got real in my head after that first little piggy. It after Goof had flown half-a-click out and was turning that the next oddity occurred. The gates swung open, yet another little piggy barrelling through them as a small horde of zeds shambled after it. It too ran straight up the road, and straight past me. The zeds turned and shambled, blindly following the frightened animal. I quite easily flanked around behind them and entered the compound without a single zed. As I poked around in the complex, nothing really struck me as odd, frightening, or out of place. I paid the corpsepile as much attention as I did the ones at Balota and the NWAF. I'm no undertaker. I continued poking around, behind the buildings, up the ladder, down again. Nothing out of the ordinary. Climbed back down without so much as a hitch. On the way down, I was discussing the ARMA 2 flight mechanics with Goof. The server was empty, so we spoke in Side chat rather than through Steam, as it was faster. Jumping from a metre up the ladder, my feet softly crunched into the gravel as I landed. I swiftly headed towards the gate, making minimal noise. As I was walking out the front gate, I heard a dull hum. Very dull, very soft. It wasn't enough of a hum to immediately catch my attention, but as I moved further away from the gate, it became more and more droning. It grew in volume. I began to move swiftly now, get a bit of distance, should it be some sort of immediate threat. It was clear this sound was emanating from the radio tower itself, at ground level. Then, things escalated quickly. The hum intensified, and then quite swiftly peaked, cracking like an extremely loud whip. I was very swiftly bathed in light. Adrenaline shot through me, and I sprinted away into the shadows before removing my nightvision goggles and turning around to observe. The sight before me was unsettling, as was the sudden nature in which it occured. The entire of the Green Mountain radio complex was bathed in green light. I informed Goof of this occurence, and he maneuvered to get a better view. I'd had enough. I was curious about the glow, but things were getting far too serious for me to want to lose my hard-earned gear. As I ran down the hill, I turned once more to the Green Mountain, and took a final screenshot before moving to our designated LZ, and getting the hell out of there. It was only once we were halfway to our landing point that I realised; I was coughing. A lot. Thankfully, our only pack of antibiotics saved me.
  22. Dreganius (DayZ)

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    IQ. OF. A. TEASPOON. PS. It's much more insulting to call them Skiddies (Script Kiddies) as it's much more accurate and sounds more demeaning. IE; the Skidstains of the gaming community.
  23. Dreganius (DayZ)

    The Return of Starting With a Weapon

    I also support the current motion of starting without a weapon. I'm not going to bring in personal experiences, or even suggest as to why we should keep it as it is, however I do wish to say something else. The idea is that no starting weapons makes the game a lot more challenging. The problem is, of course, that this currently isn't the case, due to duping, hacking, spawning, and other such ridiculous premises. High end gear is easily obtainable. Thus, I don't feel that the idea of bringing back a starter weapon is one we should honestly speculate on until after the more immediate, well-known issues are resolved, as they largely impact on ideas such as this. In summary: In my opinion, we should wait and see what happens after more major issues are resolved before we start speculation on smaller subjects such as this, due to the changes such resolutions will bring.
  24. Dreganius (DayZ)

    3 Clan members in Elektro - US 257 Seattle

    Each SVD mag has 10 rounds loaded in them.
  25. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Great! Lost all my m1911 rounds

    You lost some M1911 mags, eh?