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Dreganius (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dreganius (DayZ)

  1. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Zomibes aren't ghosts that is all.

    Because it's a known issue and Rocket has stated that it would be fixed eventually. Shut up and stop being so rude.
  2. Dreganius (DayZ)

    How about own players statistic page on site?

    I'm against a Leaderboard, but I'm for a personal stats page.
  3. Dreganius (DayZ)


    Bye now.
  4. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Making some sort of shelter?

    Tents and Fireplaces already offer this kind of thing, ya know.
  5. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Liberation! (Mechanic of reclaiming towns for Survivors)

    The fairness should be based on the player's own moral integrity. I'm a huge fan of the idea of the Player's actions reflecting their characters. If someone wants to charge into a Survivor camp with their guns blazing, it's very likely that the rest of the survivors who teamed up to liberate the area in the first place (and any visitors) won't be tolerating that kind of behaviour and will shoot back.
  6. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Zomibes aren't ghosts that is all.

    Not when you demand it like that.
  7. Dreganius (DayZ)

    A couple things that really need to change

    1: This is not America. It's the middle of a fictional countryside in Russia. Rocket's statement is pretty accurate. 2: I concur to a degree with this, but it's been brought up in other threads, so you probably should post there. 3: Also has plenty of other threads about this. 4: If you're being realistic, what you're proposing would take MONTHS for a human to recover on their own. So your argument is just as flawed, if not moreso. Thanks for your input, but in my opinion it's a bit misguided.
  8. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Change the way zombies spawn.

    Perhaps you should check my Liberation suggestion thread about a proposed way to deal with this kind of thing. I think you might enjoy it.
  9. Dreganius (DayZ)


    Ummm, false. I'll go with false.
  10. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Telemeter ? (***range finder)

    ^ This.
  11. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Clan System

    I see, so a Clan subforum for people to post Clan Apps and such? Sounds decent. I'd post my community details there. Or, rather, request my thread which already has those details gets moved there.
  12. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Start with one food and one drink.

    If someone started with food and drink we'd probably see more people shooting them rather than risk their own asses looting it. My two cents.
  13. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Clan System

    Not sure if suggestion or trying to make a clantopic...
  14. [VGN] [VGTG]-[VGH], [VGW][VGW][VGW] Sorry, I'll stay on topic now. SPEAKING OF ON TOPIC, I wish there was a VGS in DayZ :V
  15. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Reanimate the dead players!

    I don't think that makes sense if they've been shot by someone else, but if they get nomm'd by zombies? mitebcool.
  16. Dreganius (DayZ)

    bring back the normal zombie agro system now! 0.o

    Dealing with it and surviving through it without dying are different things, Blay Wayne. And I'm one of those people who can survive through it most of the time now. Just because you have issues with it doesn't mean we all do, so stop taking our opinions as a personal attack on yours. Buddhism 101 right there xD
  17. I'd like to weedle into your shower and take a pikachu if you know what I mean. Because electric types are super effective against water types. Hurr hurr.
  18. My favourite Pokémon is Scyther.
  19. Dreganius (DayZ)

    My poor heart...

    Every time I shoot someone my heart goes ballistic. ...Get it? In all seriousness, the fact that you die and lose everything you've worked for is one of the biggest reasons I find my heart pounding as it does while playing DayZ, and I love it. The longer I survive, the more my heart pounds. At one point, I had a moment where I was watching three Survivors try to get into Cherno, when they were pinned down. I was near them but they hadn't noticed me, and through no other reason than idle curiosity I began to shoot at them. This was the second (and third and fourth) time I had killed another player, but it was the first time I had done so without provocation. I then got sniped by a guy in Cherno. I stopped playing for the night. My chest hurt.
  20. This thread... Ohgodmysides... So much hilarity.
  21. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Shitty thread, shitty user.

    The thing I like about this community is that the Moderators ban people with style. Well, at least, Legacy did. I'm going to take a page out of his book for all the bans I make in my own community now. Consider me inspired. *tips hat*
  22. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Shitty thread, shitty user.

    *applause* Thank you, Legacy.
  23. To answer your question in my own opinion: [VGN] [VGS] [VGTA] As for the radio tower idea: [VGY] [VGW] [VGCA]
  24. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Mod needs 2 things.

    Sooooooooo banned.