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Dreganius (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dreganius (DayZ)

  1. Dreganius (DayZ)

    The Infection is permanent until cured.

    ^ This, essentially, is my opinion. Also I (and my fiancee) like purple so I have to agree.
  2. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Weapon Degradation

    I'm kind of torn on this, because although I like the idea of weapons degrading, I also don't want to think about that on top of everything else I already have to think of to survive, as well as worrying about whether or not the guy I just shot has a half-broken gun. Not going to offer support yet, but I might as the discussion on this idea develops.
  3. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Underground Military Complex

    I wasn't aware of this.
  4. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Liberation! (Mechanic of reclaiming towns for Survivors)

    I think that would require more scripted parameters than a single horde event, but I'm more of a games artist with some very basic knowledge about programming as opposed to a games programmer, so I could be quite wrong about that.
  5. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Start with one food and one drink.

    In my 60+ hours of DayZ, I've never been killed on bean coast by bandits, always further inland or in one of the major cities, so I'm afraid I can't relate to your issues there. But, to reaffirm my point, if I decided to play as a Bandit one life, I would get a gun, go to the coast, shoot newly spawned players and build up a small stockpile of survival supplies before I head north, so I wouldn't have to worry about food or drink.
  6. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Zombies do not Respawn....

    I've already suggested this in much more detail in my Liberation thread, which was on the first page at the time you posted this thread. You didn't even try the search function, did you?
  7. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Liberation! (Mechanic of reclaiming towns for Survivors)

    Well, I basically meant that when I said the players would need to stand their ground, and not flee from the area, since that'd essentially be a failure to reclaim the area.
  8. Dreganius (DayZ)


    I believe the reason this idea is terribly flawed has been stated multiple times. No.
  9. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Camera Traps - Surveillance for the masses

    Bumping suggestion threads are not allowed, cease it or be reported.
  10. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Face-Name system.

    I'd personally like to see the "Inspect Body" aspect have more use. For example, if you saw a guy die, or was the one to shoot him, you could inspect the body and find out his name and how he died, instead of "Name unknown cause of death unknown lol". Unless this already does that and I'mdoinitwrong.
  11. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Salad dodgers vomit

    I prefer this to just stopping people from eating more than X meals per Y time. I'm for it.
  12. Dreganius (DayZ)

    rain noise and zombie detection

    Personally I'd change the _scaleMvmt variable to around 0.5 or 0.6, as rain is pretty loud in life.
  13. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Bullet Penetration

    I don't think that many weapons should have the ability to actually pass through multiple zombies, but it should happen for high-caliber rifles and such. After all, that's what a high-caliber rifle can do.
  14. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Making some sort of shelter?

    I see what you mean now. I suppose that would be interesting, but I think large tents have been suggested before.
  15. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Zomibes aren't ghosts that is all.

    Shhh, shh shh shh... It's okay now.
  16. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Liberation! (Mechanic of reclaiming towns for Survivors)

    I'm still a bit iffy about the premise of simply entering a town with a large number of players and starting to fight zombies, but I can't think of a better way to do it, unfortunately. It's a point of this suggestion I really want to discuss and develop with the community.
  17. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Zomibes aren't ghosts that is all.

    The Rustling is upon him. There are no dreams. Only tears.
  18. Dreganius (DayZ)

    A couple things that really need to change

    You seem to be vehemently defending your points based on nothing but your own idea on how things should be, instead of how the Developers have STATED they want the game to work. You are essentially the kind of person the community abhors. I'm just going to let your thread fall into the void, or let you bump it until you're warned. Good day, sir.
  19. Dreganius (DayZ)

    A couple things that really need to change

    1. I never said it should be "pure fun", but it is a game Rocket himself has stated he'd prefer DayZ to be the anti-game, a game where it's not designed for players to have fun, but to be challenged in a realistic simulation. 2. Who the %#^% cares what country it is? Er, the developers do, as do most of the playerbase. A lot of players like the setting of Chernarus because it's not in your generic city like your typical modern shooter game is. Get your head out of your ass.
  20. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Liberation! (Mechanic of reclaiming towns for Survivors)

    I took a while to think out the idea so it would not only help assist with working together, but would also help PvP players, as let's face it, most Bandits out there would find raiding a town full of players a LOT more fun than picking off weaklings all day. I'm very glad that the idea is being so well recieved. Let's just hope one of the Developers notices it :3
  21. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Bullet Penetration

    Thanks for clarifying that. The more you know.
  22. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Barb wire needs to go

    It serves a purpose when players use it to fortify their camps. And you can remove it with a tool box. Removing it would be stupid. Also, plenty of threads have already discussed this. Use the search function next time, please.
  23. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Zomibes aren't ghosts that is all.

    His jimmies are very rustled. Very. Rustled.
  24. Dreganius (DayZ)


    I never knew Russia had Twinkes.
  25. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Bullet Penetration

    I am probably mistaken, but I thought ARMA2 already had bullet penetration in terms of walls and stuff? I never really tried before, but I still thought it existed :/