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Dreganius (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dreganius (DayZ)

  1. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Removal of 3rd person view exploit

    Stating "FACT!" doesn't make something a fact. My Yr9 Geography teacher did it, and two years later her 'facts' were proven to be incorrect. Just because you think something is a fact doesn't make it so, and by saying it you're essentially making yourself look like a total nitwit, instead of making what you're saying look more believable.
  2. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Cans R Us

    How about, throwing empty tin cans can be thrown at and hurt zombies? Then you can arm yourself with thousands of weapons!
  3. Time. Rocket wants to make his own Inventory system, and it's likely that he will add a melee slot when he does. Not definite, but there's a possibility, especially with how much the community wants and supports the idea of it.
  4. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Anomalies in the forest

  5. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Teargas & Gasmasks

    But then I can't wear my GP7 everywhere :(
  6. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Admin Sweeper Team

    Server Admins? No. No way. Hell no. No. No. No. NO. Dev Team? mite b cool.
  7. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Liberation! (Mechanic of reclaiming towns for Survivors)

    Bear Traps are going to make things difficult for bandit hunters... Let's see how many broken legs they cause! I just hope he doesn't bother with landmines.
  8. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Teargas & Gasmasks

    Link in my signature, Gaidoon.
  9. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Family Mechanic[Serious Thread]

    Why do people honestly want this kind of thing? I don't get it. This isn't The Sims.
  10. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Zombies should one hit kill

    Let's stop saying "No" and just let this thread die, please.
  11. Dreganius (DayZ)

    n-sec 'logout-timer' + n-sec 'login-freeze'

    Suggested umpteen times. Please search for existing threads before posting your idea. Thank you.
  12. Dreganius (DayZ)

    My list of problems

    Quoted for truth.
  13. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Teargas & Gasmasks

    If someone gets shot in the head while wearing the gasmask, it should be unlootable, I mean it's not going to work again now, is it? That's the point I was trying to make, not "shot anywhere and it breaks". I should have clarified that. Also, I don't get how you can eat or drink through a gasmask unless it's a specific model that allows you to drink through an attached canteen, so I'm not quite following why you don't like that idea :P
  14. Dreganius (DayZ)


    This has already been suggested, please use the search function before you make a suggestion. Thank you.
  15. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Liberation! (Mechanic of reclaiming towns for Survivors)

    No, it requires organisation from players to exist, and should require organisation from players to continue to exist. NPCs would be counterproductive. I hardly think this is an issue.
  16. Dreganius (DayZ)

    SUGGESTION: Pet Attack Goats!

    I for one welcome our new goat overlords.
  17. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Teargas & Gasmasks

    I dunno about you guys but I also hope to see at least two different types of masks, even if its only a GP-5 and a GP-7 or something like that. Know what I mean?
  18. Dreganius (DayZ)

    LFG Aussie AEST :)

    If you guys are still interested, I co-own a small, close-knit gaming community called Nihil. We're mostly Australian, although we allow people from all over the world. We run our own Mumble server 24/7 and are interested in getting a larger group together to play DayZ. We currently have around 12 players in the community who play DayZ, although most of the guys are currently going through exams. If you're interested, we can cater for a lot of you, just check out http://nihil-ad-rem.net and we can play together :D Our Mumble IP is nihil-ad-rem.net (Default Port). Feel free to join us.
  19. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Riot Shields a possiblity?

    Going to request this thread be merged with the other one.
  20. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Mechanic for Self-Defense.

    I'm going to post constructive posts on this thread so to allow others to read it and allow the idea to develop. Let's get into the nitty gritty, how would it work, exactly? Similar to how ACE has done it? Differently? I've unfortunately never played ACE, but I have played a lot of Red Orchestra 2 so I can relate to how they've done it there. I think that there should actually be some form of mathematical equation we can use, so the programmers know what we would like to see. Perhaps for every metre the bullet is away from you, (up to a range of about 20 metres), your aim moves by two pixels from where you were aiming it, in a random direction. The closer the bullet is to you, the more pixels your aim moves. So, if the bullet is right next to you, your aim will jump about 40 pixels from where you were aiming originally, in a single direction.
  21. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Riot Shields a possiblity?

    Would it stop bullets while it was on your back? I should hope so, otherwise it would be a bit silly. +1 if so.
  22. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Spawn with a weapon...

    Stealth isn't death, but within your first 10 minutes of a new life I find that being stealthy is just time consuming. Considering you have nothing to lose at that point, going all Leeroy is a much preferable choice than sneaking into Cherno, although I personally have snuck into Cherno from the construction site, and looted all the key locations I like to loot, without so much as encountering another player. It took me an hour, and I probably could have done the exact same process in 15 minutes if I just sprinted everywhere.
  23. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Mechanic for Self-Defense.

    I like it. Sounds good to me. If I may, I'd like to add on to your idea. When you say suppression, I also think to Red Orchestra 2; when you get shot at, you flinch, and when you get shot at too closely, you panic real bad and go into shock (similar to how you do when you get shot at in DayZ). I've found it pretty irritating that shooting in the general direction of someone you can't properly see doesn't seem to phase them at all. I've no idea if it's even possible with ARMA2's engine, but I feel that the mechanic in RO2 was spot on when it comes to fight or flight, we're not supposed to be hardened war veterans in DayZ, so how can we take bullets flying at us without so much as a flinch? I'd heavily support any change that forces us to shake or somesuch when a bullet flies past our heads/lands in the ground at our feet with a loud "pang!"
  24. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Teargas & Gasmasks

    Huh. I didn't notice those penalties when I first read the OP. Maybe my GP-7 mask is blinding me :D I'm not for the penalties, but I agree that wearing the mask should prevent eating or drinking, unless they implement the masks with canteen straws. And yes, they DO exist! My GP-7 mask could have had one for an extra $10, but I was short :(
  25. Dreganius (DayZ)

    Liberation! (Mechanic of reclaiming towns for Survivors)

    The reward is in the fact that you have a light in the darkness, a safe zone (in comparison to the rest of the wasteland at least). With the power idea that I believe Rocket is working on (Read this interview), the reward of having a light in the darkness would be both metaphorical AND literal. But, ultimately, the idea of whether loot will spawn or not will not be up to us, but Rocket/the Dev team, as is whether or not this idea even gets implemented.