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About qwerty341w@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Bio
    Forward deployed with the USMC to Okinawa, Japan. If you are out here too, send me a message!
  1. qwerty341w@gmail.com

    Wirefences/Tank Trap Suggestion

  2. qwerty341w@gmail.com

    Wirefences/Tank Trap Suggestion

    Bump for beans?
  3. qwerty341w@gmail.com

    Wirefences/Tank Trap Suggestion

  4. qwerty341w@gmail.com

    Wirefences/Tank Trap Suggestion

    In my experience, the Wire-fences and Tank traps are used in an inappropriate manner, and they do not block zombies from getting through. I'm sure you're already aware of that little fact, but just figured I could toss it in here. From what I've seen, is people use the fences and traps to block off buildings, so no other player can get inside and loot the items; the player that placed the trap then proceeds to server hop so they can continuously loot items that spawn in said buildings. Which in my opinion is cheating the game and giving an unfair advantage to players. As there are not a ton of open buildings, this seems to be an issue. My suggestion: Make barricades De-spawn, just like dead bodies(5 minutes after death), 5 minutes after the player logs out. This gives time for the barricade to; 1. successfully block players/zombies(if it gets fixed) and 2. do its job in the first place. Now I know I know, "hey noob, all you gotta do is have a toolbox and you can bre4k dem!!!!!" <- This is a true statement, you can break the barricades IF you have a toolbox. I'm not saying there's an issue with that. All I'm saying is the barricades shouldn't last forever. This stops the server hopping(sort of) and gives other players a chance to get "EPIC LOOOOOTZ." Agree or no, that's for you to decide.
  5. qwerty341w@gmail.com

    LF Morphine! and a teammate with mic to venture with.

    Add me on steam; Sprigelz
  6. qwerty341w@gmail.com

    My Suggestion.

    ^ this guy knows how to make a game... agreed!
  7. qwerty341w@gmail.com

    Flashlight question?

    My issue is the flashlight always points at my feet.... any ideas? I tried the "Raise Weapon" command multiple times, but it doesn't do anything. EDIT: Nevermind. Seems to have fixed itself
  8. qwerty341w@gmail.com

    Difficulty Question

    Could anyone explain the difference in the difficulties? (Regular, Veteran, Expert, Hard)?