The developers of this game are seriously living in a fantasy land if they think it's appropriate to be working on new weapons and towns when there is a horrendous, just embaressing amount wrong with the rudimentary function of the game- Pants and Boots need to be removed from the game, as currently they're constantly ruined for no reason if you are on a multi story buildling. Thousands of times I have been just chiling on a second floor of a buildling, suddenly scren goes gray, legs are broken, pants and boots ruined and everything that was in my pants becomes ruined. Just remove pants and boots from the game because the developers are not able to correctly implement them. The ambient noise also ruins the game. Constantly you hear random noises like a player drinking or reloading right next to you, when in reality they are not there. This happens CONSTANTLY so much so that I now just turn off my volume because the game's developers have done the worst job at creating audio for a survival game I've ever seen in the video game industry, truly a horrible job. I mean when you can't depend on your ears in a survival game, that means you've lost 20% of your sensory information right there. I imagine the developers will keep doing really stupid shit like working on hunting mechanics and animal pathing, when really they should be fixing the critical issues like sound and players dying for no reason because they went up a staircase. Really sad because this game has so much potential and yet it can be totally ruined by an incompetent team of developers, they really need to clean house and hire some professionals.