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About Dizzaster

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I have 60 FPS in ArmA 2, and ~25 in DayZ. Lol.
  2. Dizzaster

    Weapon Damage Re-upped

    Nerfed damage is ok for zombies. Zombies are dead anyway so it was stupid to put em down with 1 pistol shot. But for players - its fucked up, get full Makarov magazine into stomach, bandage and just walk away, lol. Really, its not CoD, it should be max 3-4 shots to kill player with 9mm and almost always 1 shot with 0,45.
  3. Dizzaster

    Pending Update: Build

    What about suits for females? Just askin.
  4. Dizzaster

    Poll on Zombies

    I would love to see The Walking Dead zombie style in this game - slow walking, but you can kill them only shooting/smashing their head (or shooting in the corspe like 30 times). And they should spawn only near the buildings, but 'migrate' randomly anywhere on the map. This is kinda annoying that you are 100% safe from zombies in the woods.
  5. YES But only if there will be some kind of melee. (Just opportunity to punch/kick and to fight with knife/axe etc)