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Everything posted by naughty

  1. battleeye employee for example? a bohemia trainee? i dont care who tbh... waste of time is to play dayz when the ingame-feeling is like half of the players are hackers.
  2. the problem is the lack of a reporting tools...and that u dont know the player name of the hacker.
  3. im cool, no worry :D but sorry, never saw a hack like this in a multiplayer game. instakill without any noises over 3447557 meters? i dont know if its true, but i´ve heard that the engine in dayz sa is very "hackerfriendly". hahaha...other ppl have posted some hacker-vids in this thread aswell, just sayin´.
  4. last week someone instagibbed me in cherno on a regular server. i have not heard any noises, no gunfire, nothing. got the message "broken legs" and not a single second later "you are dead". i think a hacker with that kind of cheats killed me: [snip]