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Mad Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Scientist

  1. Mad Scientist

    How do you solve the heating problem with ghillie?

    My solution is to only have a hicap or Smersh vest and nothing else, no pants or jacket (gloves, boots, balaclava and sunnies). Enables me to sprint almost constantly and only get hot occasionally. Protector cases are a godsend and allow enough space for the essentials. With 2 protector cases inside my hicap vest i am currently carrying two spare 101 mags (for my silenced, bipoded PSO-1 AK101), 60 rounds spare ammo, water bottle, matches, improvised knife, rags, morphine, couple of cans of food and a raincoat. Nothing worse then being wet and literally chillin at your sniper spot and getting the shakes!! The only issue is that my tighty whities are visible from behind (found that out last night running with a mate), so I may try a pair of shorts to cover those...
  2. Mad Scientist

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    Are experimental servers down?
  3. Mad Scientist

    I think I might have a problem with shotguns...

    I love the sawed off double barrel...push "T" to change the fire mode and you can let off both barrels at once for ultimate devastation!! Works the same for the Blaze!!
  4. Mad Scientist

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    Played for an hour this morning - two crashes to desktop....
  5. Mad Scientist

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    Cheers!!Any idea when servers will be back up?
  6. Mad Scientist

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    Can anyone help? Just downloaded experimental (0.54.126645) and when I try to log into an experimental server I get the following message: Warning You were kicked off the game. (Battleye: unknown game version) Help!!!
  7. Mad Scientist

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    A few things: Choppers seem to be persistent, not sure about cop cars though (can anyone confirm?). Tents, guns, trucks and backpacks are persistent which is awesome!! Lootapoolooza -haven't seen one yet but had reports from mates they are happening Never go near a running truck or get out of one that is running...be very careful around them!! There needs to be a cancel action for drinking from a well or pond If you are double carrying don't use other items (hotbar or food/drink etc) until you drop the item in your hand. If it disappears, try relogging as it may come back where you dropped it. Zombies don't make any noise until they are about to strike, so be careful!! Can confirm they are clipping through doors and some walls. Some places they seem to re spawn quickly, others not so much. The new prison is awesome!! Good 5min swim to get out there, but they need to tweak the swimming animation...instead of swimming with a straight body your legs are tilted up at about 15 degrees which looks really weird!! The hatchet is OP, but you have to get close and personal to use it in melee!!
  8. Mad Scientist

    Experimental Branch: 0.53 Discussion

    Can anyone explain to me why the fireplace despawns? Just set one up with a tripod and cooking pot before I went hunting. Came back and added the meat to the pot and worked on my garden plot to get plants growing while I cooked, as I wasn't sure how fast it would cook the meat. Finished up watering the plants and went to light the fire...and it's gone!! Why should it despawn? Had a nice little camp going with a tent, garden plot and the fireplace...now I need to find the tripod and cooking pot again...
  9. Mad Scientist

    Alternate means of transporting equipment

    This is a really good idea as vestceptiom has been nixed in the current experimental build,
  10. Mad Scientist

    Status Report - Week of 12 Jan 15

    Kill logs will be available to admins soon IIRC, this will lead to a lot of bans (as long as you have video evidence as well)
  11. Mad Scientist

    MP5-K OEM Buttstock

    MP5-K's have been spawning without the buttstock for a number of patches, at least since 0.49 IIRC. I have not seen a buttstock since then...not sure why it is out of the game...
  12. Mad Scientist

    How do you set up your hotbar, and why?

    1 melee 2 secondary weapon 3 primary weapon 4 range finder 5 binoculars 6 misc 7 knife 8 water bottle 9 morphine/splint 0 bandages/rags (used to be compass...) I try to keep things of similar function grouped on the hot bar
  13. Mad Scientist

    Do we really need more zombies?

    From what I understand the devs are looking at 5000 infected/Z's over the entire map at full release...I can't wait!!
  14. Mad Scientist

    Gasoline Can on the V3S

    Jerry cans can be filled up from gas stations and other Jerry cans. You fill up the truck by using the action button on the fuel tank below the passengers door with the Jerry can in your hand. To get into a truck with a Jerry can, you need to/ - pick Jerry can up in your hands - push the cross (in your inventory screen) to place it on the ground - put your gun on the ground, the Jerry can should appear in the top of your inventory with your hat, gloves etc - place your gun on your back - enter the truck without doing anything else Once you put a weapon in your hand, eat etc you will have to do it again.
  15. Mad Scientist


    Picked up a couple of suppressors. NATO suppressor works on m4 and AUG, east suppressor works on ak101 and I assume other ak series (not sure about 74u though). Neither worked on a cr75 pistol however...from what I understand there is a pistol suppressor and an mp5 compensator...
  16. I was sitting by the fire when it happened...it just diassapeared. They may have included this to have the fire with an actual lifespan, as previously I had a character for about a week hunting and living of the same fire without having to add new logs etc....
  17. Mad Scientist

    jittery scope

    I did have my weapon in my hand while sitting by the fire, however was havin a BBQ with mates later at Toe Town and no one got hot from being around the fire with no guns out. Sorted the issue by committing suicide and respawning close to where I died to get my gear. No problems with the shakes at the moment....
  18. Gutted a pig with no issues.... Had the fire dissapear on me though....it had been burning for a while...trying to get rid of the shake glitch...
  19. Mad Scientist

    jittery scope

    Nope, not cold either. Had the same thing happen, sat by a fire for 10 min cooking boar steaks, no change. As far as I can tell fires are not warming you up at all, they are not drying you clothes either... Not sure if its a bug or what...
  20. Mad Scientist

    Urban Legends/spooky scarry skeleton stories.

    That's just a rumour started by cannibals to cover up their unspeakable acts. Player: Why are you laughing like you have kuru? Cannibal: I didn't eat human meat, it's just a glitch. Player: Cool. See you...argghhh Cannibal: Yum yum
  21. Mad Scientist

    Question about Heli Crash sites

    Wow, pedantic much? Admin, can you close this thread, just found a Bell UH-1Y "Super Heuy" or "Venom" outside Stary Sobor, Chernarus, "some fictional Eastern European Counrty", Earth, The Solar System, Milky Way. The Universe....
  22. Mad Scientist

    Question about Heli Crash sites

    Are Blackhawks still spawning after maintanance? Since servers have come back up I haven't found any Blackhawk crash sites, only Russian ones. Anyone found a Blackhawk since maintanance?
  23. Mad Scientist

    Crying Noises

  24. Mad Scientist

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Character on HIHB private shard was fine....3rd person character on public looked like he was speeding of his nut the gun was shaking so bad!!!