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About tehxenos

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I think the PVP in this game is absolutely integral, but I'm echoing most others in this thread saying that there HAS to be consequences, as currently you a) kill the person you see, thus earning loot and removing the threat, only consequence is guilt (for some people, such as myself), and b) don't kill the person, ask if they're friendly etc., and get killed and have to start again. I've been killed countless times, and only twice by zombies (at the very beginning) which is fair enough as survivors should be the major threat, but the social aspect is gone completely nowadays. My first couple playthroughs I spent with random characters I met near the beach and north of the coast, and we fought zombies, dodged the occasional bandit (2 in 5 hours of play, compared to 100% of players are bandits now) and generally felt like we were surviving. Since then its degraded, I'm assuming due to increased popularity within the (lets face it, fairly stupid) wider population and since the removal of humanity consequences, to the point where you end up in a cycle of; see survivor-act friendly-get killed-start again-see survivor-be more cautious but still friendly-get killed-start again-see survivor-kill survivor-see survivor-kill survivor The mates I play with actively try to stop this cycle, by being friendly to all we see and not shooting unless shot at, etc. but all it accomplishes is making it easier for the person to kill us. We've now turned the page and just avoid everyone else ENTIRELY, so as we don't become the bandits we so dislike. Just finishing on a suggestion I saw on these forums (no link sorry, can't find it anymore) about weapon/item degradation. Degrades very slowly over time (or not at all) for regular players, but on death the items become damaged and less functional (jams, inaccuracy, slower reloads, etc.) and eventually break. Reliable weapons such as ak's, shotguns, revolvers, hunting rifles, etc. last longer than the complicated military weapons such as high grade snipers, silenced weapons, etc. meaning that the bandits using high tier gear have a reason to pursue non/less-violent methods such as trading or robbery to attain gear without ruining it.
  2. If you're on the 825 beta patch, thats whats causing it. I had it all today. Roll it back to 701 and you'll be fine.
  3. tehxenos

    US 64 Mass Kill

    Date/Time: 7:02 (GMT+10 time) What happened: Everybody (or at least 90% of players) got suddenly launched up into the air then landed and died, a huge explosion was heard and some quote about bitterness being a cancer was broadcast over the server. Where you were: Berezino docks What you were doing: Foraging. Mostly annoying as we had just got back into the swing of things after dying, losing alice packs filled with food, drink and flashlights. Also lost my camo outfit (the green hatless one).