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Everything posted by GaabrielSolza

  1. GaabrielSolza

    [FIXED] Bad Serial Key / Wrong CD-Key

    I bought Arma 2 Combined Operations while ago, after it installed Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA, right after downloaded and installed dayz commander. Soon after I updated within ARMA 2 dayz commander but when I clicked to install a message appeared saying: Wrong CD Key, and completed the installation. And whenever I go into servers can not always say Wrong CD Key
  2. I bought Arma 2 Combined Operations while ago, after it installed Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA, right after downloaded and installed dayz commander. Soon after I updated within ARMA 2 dayz commander but when I clicked to install a message appeared saying: Wrong CD Key, and completed the installation. And whenever I go into servers can not always say Wrong CD Key
  3. When I was entering a server dayz, closed the game and the following message appeared: include file z / addons / dayz_code / system / missions / description.sqf not found. and also when I just enter the server appears in the chat: Invalid CD Key help please