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About blueskin

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Locked cases for weapons, boxes for pistols that you could take away while trying to find key/crowbar and wall mounted cases for rifles that you need to smash/crowbar open.
  2. blueskin

    Add Radios to dayz?

    OMFG use search, been suggested a million times.
  3. blueskin

    Cannot stop walking backwards o.O

    what he said ^^
  4. sorry for the necro but only saw this today, great post, great style, great ideas. I'll add one: Avenger - Must kill every zombie you see...
  5. great post, exactly the information i was looking for, thanks
  6. blueskin

    Buildings with no loot?

    yup, im getting lots and lots of empty loot spots, did most of berezino, approached from miles away and very few zombies and no loot.
  7. blueskin

    Ghost Towns Come With Ghost Loot?

    same, only loot I found in the whole of berezino was bags. 4 different bags in various places, one deer stand, one supermarket and two in red apartment buildings, all other loot spots are empty, not even cans.
  8. blueskin

    Camp perimeter Alarm

    I like the idea, but use search, been suggested before
  9. blueskin

    This is how you deal with Bandit Snipers.

    just bought myself some 5.1 surround headphone, that should help somewhat :P
  10. join 3rd person off, I've yet to see a single hacker in 3 weeks playing on the vet servers with all options off.
  11. blueskin

    did 95248 wipe everyones tents?

    my old one is fine, new one isn't saving. Rocket said something about tents over no. 1 million weren't saving, to be fixed in next patch.
  12. blueskin

    This is how you deal with Bandit Snipers.

    good work on finding the first guy, my directional sound is terrible so I'm not sure I would have been able to. That and you search for like 10 minutes without giving up. Great stuff. Good work!
  13. The field of view is something you can set by the way, check it out here: http://www.moddb.com/forum/thread/arma-2-ultimate-tweak-thread
  14. Title says it all really, just wondering who out there uses 3rd person or which type of server you prefer..
  15. blueskin

    Best way to find Heli Crashes?

    How do choppers spawn? Is it only on a server restart or can they come down during playtime?