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About Funkapus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Funkapus

    Ingame voip question

    Those links say that global channels are disabled? Every single server i've ever played on has people talking in side and global channels, both text and voice.
  2. Funkapus

    Ingame voip question

    If I scroll my chat to direct chat with the ">" key and then open my mic with the default push to talk key will it broadcast to whatever channel I've selected? Or do I need to set up individual binds for each channel? I tried asking ingame but was just ignored.
  3. Funkapus

    Too much Hatchet spawning

    Can anyone confirm that you can cut wood with the big melee axes? I'll be kind of annoyed if i have to ditch my rifle just to get some wood, I'm currently in the wilderness with 2k blood and my pack full with raw meat while i lose consciousness every 15 feet after surviving an attempted murder. so it's very frustrating that every axe i find is bugged in some way haha
  4. Funkapus

    Too much Hatchet spawning

    I'm finding a ton of hatchets, the primary weapon ones i can interact with fine and they take my main weapon slot (and seem to silently kill zombies in one hit when prone and crawling), but I keep finding hatchets which have the icon of the green shotgun shell and upon transferring them to my inventory they disappear, even though I have plenty of slots. did they remove the little hatchets that go in the equipment slots with the compass and maps etc? I really need wood, but every hatchet I grab disappears and I haven't come across any of the actual melee weapon ones in forever..
  5. The same is happening to me on both the NZ servers and the VN1 server as well.
  6. Funkapus

    Locked up load screen

    Currently in the same boat, game isn't progressing past the black loading screen, can still hear people using mics in the background. Has happened on the last 3 servers I've tried to join.
  7. Funkapus

    Sudden, seemingly random extreme lag.
