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About Esccapee

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. It's not to do with the connection but with the server itself. I have no idea how it works, but I know that if you are playing on a "bad" server, you'll get even less FPS. I do drop in cities, but I don't drop to anything crazy like I do in Arma 3.
  2. I started playing Arma3 again (haven't played since Alpha/Beta) and wow... Comparing to that game, DayZ is 100% optimized. I was actually surprised, having read that multiple improvements have been implemented in A3 but the FPS doesn't seem to have increased for me at all. I have even played bit of DayZero recently and even on the most optimized mod of them all - i.e no grass land - I have been dropping frames like crazy. Right now there aren't many zombies in DayZ but I think that even once those are added we can enjoy higher FPS than all of the other RV games. If there was a single player DayZ Stand Alone version I am 100% confident everyone would get steady 60 FPS. Most of the FPS lag is due to the server and not you rig. For example, on Arma 3 I can get steady 60 fps maxed out in single-player, but online I get between 25-40. BTW my specs aren't super top end: i5 4670k @stock GTX 770 2GB 4GB RAM None of these games are install on SSD.
  3. Esccapee

    Love the New Sway

    It's definitely better however, you don't just spaz out all of a sudden when you're out of breath. Sure, your aim will be more "jittery" but you won't be throwing your gun around.
  4. You don't need to wall peek to get this bug. Walk up on 1st floor, take few steps. BAM. Legs broken, you are dead. Ok...
  5. Esccapee

    Switching between exp and stable..

    Unfortunately, no. I wish that there was an easy way of doing this, but there's no workaround I know of. However, if you have a lot of spare HDD space here's a workaround. 1. Create a second user on your pc. 2. Download DayZ to a different drive (steam too) 3. Install experimental. This SHOULD work, however, I'm not sure if Steam installed on second HDD scans your first for games.
  6. When you're still playing the broken pos early access?
  7. Esccapee

    When Do We Get Hovercars?

    Hovercars? No. HoverCRAFTS? YES!
  8. Esccapee

    Best, worst thing you've ever done?

    Bought this game. Satisfies both points.
  9. Esccapee

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    No. Absolutely not. It's more of a "quality of life" sort of upgrade. If you're on a budget, don't worry about it - but get it in the future! ;)
  10. Esccapee

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    It's £10 cheaper or so. I have nothing against AMD but I've switched to Intel a couple years ago and I haven't had any issues. Tbh though AMD offer great bang for the buck, so if you're on a budget, you can't really go wrong!
  11. Esccapee

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    SSD is a Solid State Drive. Putting it simply, it's like a big memory card for your phone or camera. It doesn't operate using mechanical parts, meaning it reads and writes much faster than 7200 rpm HDD. Especially usefull for putting your system on it - super fast boot ups, no hangups when minimising - you can also put some multiplayer games to cut down loading time. For example games like BF4 or Red Orchestra 2.
  12. Esccapee

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    There's literally no point. Windows 8.1 has a desktop and it's not broken. You can even mod it to be exactly like 7.
  13. Esccapee

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Windows 8.1 for DirectX12..
  14. Esccapee

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Looks good. Don't forget to get a DVD drive lol, you might wanna consider getting an SSD for OS and maybe few games. Also this isn't nescessary for DayZ,but have you considered getting a 3gb+ VRAM card? I mean 2GB is good, but some games are pushing it texture resolution wise. Ps. Any particualr reason for AMD processor?
  15. Esccapee

    Petty Power Tripping Cheater

    So there's an area of the map infested with hackers... Every post you make tells people to "deal with it" and play somewhere else. That's not a solution. The anti hack needs to be improved and you can't simply tell people "hurr don't go to berezino lol alpha xDXDXD". Fucking hate people like you, that keep saying that rubbish over and over. This game isn't your child so stop being so god damn defensive. And if it was, it'd be a pretty ugly one at that.