Hey guys I just wanted to touch base with you all since we all have the same issue. I admin/mod for multiple Rust servers and all of the HFB ones are down as well. One of my main servers which is owned by a good friend of mine lost its control panel access for about 10 days but the server continued to run. Two days later the HFB control panel was back but the following day the server went down. It has been 4 days now that the server has been down and HFB has canceled every support ticket. There has been no correspondence from them whatsoever. During the time that the control panel was out their website was offline as well. Their website is up and running ATM and ready to take your money, but it would seem that they don't actually have any working servers that I am aware of at this time. My main reason for posting here is because I googled "what is going on with hfb servers" and it led me to your forum. I strongly suggest that everyone file a Paypal dispute since its been weeks to months now since HFB has not been offering the services you have been paying for. You could always give Paypal a link to this thread as evidence that something is going on.