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Everything posted by JKflipflop

  1. JKflipflop


    LOL you're funny. Please, keep the lulztrain running
  2. JKflipflop

    Remove Thermal Scopes

    I agree. I've been toting around the L85 for a couple days now, and it's completely overpowered with the thermal scope. You can't hide from it. Needs to go.
  3. JKflipflop

    I found a Radio

    Stuff like this is only "cool" for the first few people to discover it. Then it's on the wiki with google map coordinates and it's no more special than Green Mountain. It's just another stop that everyone knows about.
  4. US #132. Laid into their huey at the airfield as they circled overhead with my M249. Immediately everyone on the server kicked to restriction #55. Admin abusing cunts.
  5. JKflipflop

    AKM or AK-74? . : . QUICK! . : .

    7.62 ftw
  6. JKflipflop

    Blowing away some churno nubs

    Wall O' Text lolBBQ
  7. JKflipflop

    Thoughts On Green Mountain?

    I lost my best friend there. I don't go near the place.
  8. JKflipflop

    Take out .50 cals

    WTF is this? More stupid ideas? Good. We didn't have nearly enough of those around here.
  9. JKflipflop

    Does Alt-F4 = a Global Ban?

    Link or shut your hole.
  10. JKflipflop

    Hacking seriously out of control

    Just ran into a guy named Dude LargeHuge on a seattle server. Ran up to me and my buddy and stood there as I put 5 DMR shots in his body and 1 in his head while my buddy pumped 30 SD rounds out of an M4 into him.
  11. JKflipflop

    Why are cars so rare in Chernarus?

    Because this version of Cherarus was made for the Arma 2 expansion pack "Eagle Wing". Eagle Wing takes place during a nuclear apocalypse before and after. That's why the cars are all blown to scrap.
  12. JKflipflop

    What Graphics Card Should I Choose?

    Actually, it's an extra 230,400 pixels. . . but it still won't make that big of a difference.
  13. I set texture to low, then back to very high and it cleared it up for me. They seem to come back after a long while, though. Setting low then high clears it again for me when that happens.
  14. . . . and this doesn't set off any lightbulbs in your little head? What's the difference between hitting the respawn button and running headlong into a pack of zombies? The same thing is happening either way.
  15. Yeah, I was playing this morning trying to herd up all the new people just joining the game and I realized that I'm pretty much bored of DayZ. It really is just a ARMA deathmatch with all the good weapons taken away. If I wanted to play PvP, there's a million games out there that do it better than this one.
  16. Learn to play. Artifacts are good because the game is too easy without them. It's totally realistic. I see huge triangles all over the place spawning from the dumpster behind CostCo. Go back to CoD, noob.
  17. JKflipflop

    vehicle "hoarding", what the hell is it?

    I think we should just take vehicles completely out of the game. In the 400+ hours I've put into DayZ I've seen 1 ATV, 1 blown up ATV on it's side, one huey flying overhead shooting at me, and one 4x4 pickup truck. I actually got to ride the ATV for about 30 seconds before some dude shot me off the back of it. I never get to play with the vehicles anyways. Just get rid of them. No more vehicle hogging asshats.
  18. JKflipflop

    Should armed vehicles be added to Dayz?

    It wouldn't matter with all the vehicle hoarding cunts on every server. You'd never see one.
  19. Not to me. Getting rid of the alt+F4 cunts is priority #1 for me. It's a total dealbreaker.
  20. JKflipflop

    Graphics bug

    Either you're a pirate, or the game mistakenly thinks you're a pirate. ARMA uses the FADE copy protection system. It lets pirates play for a while while steadily making the graphics more and more shitty until the game crashes. I've never heard of it activating by mistake, so I don't know how to troubleshoot.
  21. JKflipflop

    Just what is the best sniper?

    The best sniper is a dead sniper.
  22. All you have to do is play Arma 2. The voice actors say them all.