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Everything posted by JKflipflop

  1. JKflipflop

    Idea for starting equipment. Classes.

    In the meantime, it may be fun to come up with more "classes". You get up to 3 items to start, they can be any three items from the world but they kind of have to fit together. The mechanic spawns with engine parts, a toolbox, flashlight. Doctor : Bloodbag, Epi-Pen, Antibiotics
  2. JKflipflop

    Idea for starting equipment. Classes.

    Clearly you're the beacon of light for this community. Thanks for proving me wrong, bro. Now would you like to actually have a discussion or is that below one such as yourself?
  3. JKflipflop

    Idea for starting equipment. Classes.

    Bunch of dolts in here, isn't there?
  4. JKflipflop

    Idea for starting equipment. Classes.

  5. JKflipflop

    Idea for starting equipment. Classes.

    That's kind of the point. . .you never know what you're going to get. I mean, if the aim is to totally fuck you over starting out you may as well mix up the implements that the game is screwing you over with. A skinning knife and 2 raw meat is just as good as what we start out with now.
  6. JKflipflop

    Idea for starting equipment. Classes.

    Care to expand on that? its a kit you dumbass that you choose to start with; its not an rpg with classes like you think What about the word "random" leads you to think you get to pick what you start with?
  7. Still getting shitty FPS in DayZ.
  8. JKflipflop

    Fps drops in MP

    DayZ is still running like crap for me. Normal ARMA is running great with the same settings.
  9. I can totally see how this would be way, way too hard for a new player to get into. ARMA 2 is already glitchy, runs like crap, and controls like a wounded water buffalo. Then add onto that a game where you have no way to defend yourself at all and a time limit to figure things out before you either starve to death or get shot, and a whole other layer of bugs and performance slowdowns. . . it can be quite frustrating. There's challenging hard, then there's just stupid.
  10. If you're going to make the zombies all-knowing superheroes, then there needs to be less of them.
  11. It's DayZ specific. I backed out from DayZ running 10ish fps and went into the US armory and ran the benchmark with 55 fps average with vsync on. I will also add that a buddy of mine is having identical issues. Both of us were able to play without issue before this.