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Everything posted by JKflipflop

  1. JKflipflop


    The first week I played I was lost the entire week' date=' people would ask me where I was and I would have no clue at all other than being in a forest. AND IT WAS REALLY GREAT! So great that I'm still playing. New players of DayZ usually don't get the fact that a veteran has been in the exact same position (alright, minus being weapon-less but that's not a big deal), being lost for a week and eventually learning the map is part of the game. Just like getting gear, once you learn the good spawns and how to best avoid players in the area it's much easier. [/quote'] That's not true. People are coming to play just DayZ specifically. I played the crap out of Red Harvest so I know all about chernarus anyways way before DayZ was started. People just showing up for the DayZ mod have never seen chernarus before.
  2. JKflipflop

    An attempted experiment...

    No, what's telling is how you omitted the part where I said I didn't want pvp nerfed and THEN completely fabricated the part about me wanting the makarov taken away. What the fuck are you talking about? I never said that. I just started posting here today. Honestly the starting gear removal is just a minor annoyance unless you force yourself to start on a nighttime server. Plus people like the douchewad above you don't care anyway, in fact they like them unarmed because then their pussy, no skill having asses, don't have to worry about getting shot when they shoot noobs. I'd call you the dumbest person here, but it'd be a lie. You are a sack of shit all the same tho. Go fucking die somewhere away from everyone else. LOL are you calling moi a "douchewad"? Meet up with me, son, and I'll destroy your ass.
  3. Oblivion and Skyrim are both awesome games. BI wishes it could craft a game 1/2 as fun.
  4. JKflipflop

    An attempted experiment...

    My buddy and I just spent two hours this morning running down fresh spawns and shooting them in the leg. One guy we patched up with a bandage so he could enjoy his 2km crawl to cherno.
  5. JKflipflop


    The learning curve for new players to the ARMA engine with this mess on top is nearly insurmountable. I can see where the OP is coming from. My friend and I have talked a few guys into picking the game up, and if it wasn't for us 2 veterans on teamspeak with them they would have declared the game shit and moved on. "Learn the map" How can you learn the map when you have a limited time to find food/water and no way to defend yourself? Viper's respose of "find where you are on the map" doesn't help because YOU DON"T SPAWN WITH A FUCKING MAP. I know where to go because I've put in a ton of hours. I know if you hit up a barn from the get-go you'll probably score a shotgun or a CZ if you're lucky. I know where Kamenka and Berezino are. New people have no clue and have no way to find out.
  6. JKflipflop

    My friend runs slower than me?

    Very well. His avg FPS is high 30' date=' with very infrequent dips below. The game data resides on a Western Digital Caviar Black. Perhaps you wouldn't mind defining "protypical processor'' for us? That certainly sounds interesting... [/quote'] I'm running a 14nm Haswell chip with some extra bells and whistles. I'm an engineer in D1D.
  7. JKflipflop

    [Video] Direct Chat + Music = WIN AHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Actually, this guy is a dickface. Here's the rest of that video. . . LOL @ pineapple ending.
  8. JKflipflop

    Why did you shoot me.

    Yeah, I just kill them first and save the trouble now. But it was much, much more fun when people cooperated.
  9. JKflipflop

    Why did you shoot me.

    I will also add that the game was A LOT more fun when people actually did group up. Now it's just arma with shitty weapons and a hunger bar. Oh yeah, and those zombie things, too.
  10. JKflipflop

    Why did you shoot me.

    Just go with the flow and shoot everyone on sight. Only trust your real friends in the game. My group usually rolls 3 deep. If we see you, you're toast.
  11. JKflipflop

    Bleeding stopping by its self

    I was trying to play yesterday, and every single time I was hit by a zombie resulted in broken bones. I went through 6 morphine injectors then logged out because I don't have any more.
  12. JKflipflop

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    The wires and sandbags need to go. They're totally not ready for primetime yet. Take them out because only the exploiters currently use them, then do a "construction" pass on the game later down the line and put all that stuff in the engine in usable form.
  13. JKflipflop

    Bleeding stopping by its self

    It's inversely proportional to the frequency of tibia fracture during zombie assaults. I.E., it's as rare as finding two NVGs in the one barracks.
  14. JKflipflop

    What would you do?

    Dawnguard is coming out pretty soon for Skyrim. I'd get into that, then hopefully I'll get my beta invite to Planetside 2. that game is looking phenominal.
  15. JKflipflop

    My friend runs slower than me?

    You are a GOD among men. Thank you for that quote! (not to be a dick' date=' but that's a winner...) [/quote'] . . . so you don't have any real data then? OK. I think you were trying to insult me or something, but you have failed pretty hard.
  16. JKflipflop

    [Video] Direct Chat + Music = WIN AHAHAHAHAHAHA

    That was awesome.
  17. JKflipflop

    My friend runs slower than me?

    Yes' date=' this keeps being suggested. First of all his framerates are fine. Furthermore, as I have already said, with over 330,000 unique players there should easily be tens of thousands of people playing DayZ with poor framerates on low spec machines, laptops, etc. Where are all the bug reports from these tens of thousands of people? There are only a handful. Logic suggests that framerate is not the issue here, and then how do you account for the people who are playing on high spec rigs who are also reporting this problem? Edit: I have also been searching through the BIS Arma 2 forums, and have not found any mention of this problem being discussed. Whatever it is, it seems specific to DayZ. [/quote'] Define "fine". Anything less than 30 FPS starts slowing the arma engine down. I have a beastly rig running a prototypical processor and even I can overload the settings and slow the engine down. The thing that really gets people is that the game is constantly streaming large amounts of data. If you have the game installed on a low density 160 gig POS hard drive from 5 years ago then you're going to take a performance hit. Go get some real data then come talk to us.
  18. JKflipflop

    Evil Evil Bandit Video

    LOL that's horrible. Geez, I wonder why everyone shoots on sight?
  19. JKflipflop

    How to develop trust?

    The best way is to get a real friend to play the game with you and keep in contact over teamspeak. I have a guy at work that's on my shift that plays when I do and we just talked a 3rd guy into joining us. Rolling with real friends is the only way to be sure.
  20. JKflipflop

    This is why survivors get killed so much!

    So you were either server hopping for loot in the barracks, or you DC'd in the middle of a fight with these guys and then came back in behind them. Then you hit record and blasted them from behind while they're fighting zombies. You're a true warrior, comrade.
  21. JKflipflop

    My friend runs slower than me?

    The REAL answer is that he has his settings set too high and his computer is struggling to run the game. If your computer is chugging frames the engine will start to slow down. This manifests itself ingame as the player with the crappy PC moving slower than everyone else.
  22. JKflipflop

    Spawn in mid air = DEAD

    Down with Ulfric, the killer of Kings! On the day of your death we will laugh and we'll sing.
  23. JKflipflop

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Seriously? Bear traps? This would be cool if you were able to actually build some sort of defensible position, but until construction materials are ready for primetime these bear traps are just going to be a random pain in the ass.
  24. JKflipflop

    Force logout at a camp?

    To help counter some of the DCing in the middle of a fight, I think you should be forced to logoff at a campfire or at your own tent or you lose all your stuff. It wouldn't really stop the lame server hoppers that are just amassing loot, but it would shut down DCing to avoid death.